Souls Of Mischief

Songtext Times ain't fair Souls Of Mischief


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Times ain't fair


Everybody, come and get some get up and go.
Get rid of that no-
Can-do attitude
And expand and brace
The obstacles you face.
Aint no time to waste.
Rhymin pays.
Never was it worth doin crime to stay
On your record when ya try to get and point it.
I avoid it.
Like being exploited.
Couldnt leave my people disappointed.
I know you want it,
So Im gunna flaut it.
Itll be here and gone just that fast.
You better bust that ass.
Nothings inconcievable.
Anything is possible.
Never let them deceive you.


Lifes full of dilemas.
I contend to that.
I be looking out my window wondering what will I catch?
Will it be...
A good job?
Two to the head?
Maybe hiv so I can join the ranks of the living dead.
But, hey tajai gotta press on.
Im late for class
As I think of the choices my life rests on.
I could buss my gat,
Cook some crack,
Master calculus,
Build houses,
And make a stack.
Either wayi
Depending on the dues I pay.
No, you cant go,
So stick with it.
You wont get it
If you lay and stall.
Then dont be in it for the long haul.
Yeah, you know they wrong yall.
But we gots to get it on yall.


Times aint fair
But thats the way I play.
No one can compare.
And thats the way I stay.
This is how we do it every singular day.
So what you tryin ta say?
Well, let me show you the right way.


If youre with me then youre all about making money.
So throw your hands in the air cuz aint shit for free.
Nigga, oakland california is the place to be.
It gets hectic see.
I just connect to free
My mind
And write rhymes,
So I dont get caught up
Or get shot up.
Plus the fuzz think I got the product? ?
I dont cut lines, I dont have to.
But if you look like a playa, they harass you.
I make cash from doing shows from state to state.
But still task on the run that license his plate.
I dont trip cuz its all in vain.
Your daughter knows my name.
Ask the broad the game.


People applaude the famous
Never lame.
Just rhyming to your brain, buss.
Youre acting and thats a shame.
Cuz I set examples say in 9-tre.
Its not a little joke.
I gots to rhyme a little more,
So Im fin ta go
And scoop a forty-o.
Im under 21, but then my sack is known as so.
To the show we go
Place a big stoge on the bridge, 8-0.
A club with foes and hoes.
I want high class bitches
With the ass that switches.
When I get them, they be due soon as the ad. is finished.
Make me me feel like Im living on the wrong planet.
Strong as granite.
Its the souls with the song thats demanded.



Only the paid gets to mack and frollick.
They got their wallets.
So, whats your holler?
Strive to be a scholar.
Attract the knowledge gained.
Whatever called itself same.
Attract the knowledge changed.
To get you far in this game.


Turn the page and let the ray turn out the felt tip.
Let the ladies melt, strip.
To the bow, Im slick.
Souls of mischief coming slicker than the rest confess.
We press on.
How Im livin,
From the break, break-a dawn.


All ya fakes thats on ,
The microphone, go home.
Im from the land, man
Niggas make you roam with chrome
I stay at home.
I like ta bone, Im grown.
I got a flow thats known.
In the o, I hold my own.


Yeah, baby come and have a seat with phes.
Together we can defeat the stress
And chill
If you got that sex appeal.
Ill caress you till the morning.
On and on, annnnnnd,


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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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