Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext Time keeps on slipping Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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Time keeps on slipping

Yeah, that's the funky funky shit, ay bust it, yo, yo

Deltron tremendous force to end your courssssse. every whim is
I send men with torches to raid your fortress
And in the process radiate your optics
Subconsciously haunt emcees
Super human technician atomic inner dimension
Too mental with intuition
Typographical aptitude let my lasers clap at you
Mapped the route, psychologically crappin out, what you laughing
Imitations getting penetrated and reassimulated
In my emcee training class remain in mass
Never get liquidated convert energy
Into matter instantly, with a pen and pad
Calculate the cenograd, heat the center of gravity
Abolish apathy graphically packing 380's
With body heat sensitive bullets you need safety
Vest on your face and neck
Mental armory levitate legs for my monarchy
No malarkey my flows embarking

Psionically sparking brain cells til they're sparkling
(chorus) x2

No one knows the timepassing by.

I remake my universe every time I use a verse
To fulfill my destiny, emcees rest in peace
Side barriers provide care within
From impurities every word sees your attention like third degree
I subjugate you other fake performers while the bass of your face

No sense you be in attempt fleeting
Emcees siphon my likeness
Biting my insights like five enchiladas
This plain of existence is amazingly different
From my orbital oratory always going for the glory
You pop wide open from my slice slogans
I stay in effect with alien tech
Make you wanna say he's the best
With synchronization with commendation it's armor plated hard to
Fake it
Never carbonated, scar your matrix
Virtually uncertainty, murk your mediocre sheets and sofa
With my style of energy, del assembling
A realm where anything, is possible
NASA scientists can't define this
Mechanical mind set diamond alignment

Mathematical astro grapple a flow, pterodactyl
Very factual crash course, last resort, cast me off
At last we warp to my own world, my own neurological cubbyhole
Open the airshaft I'll be there fast!
With spare raps to tear back their mass
Deltron experimental critical literal
Professor test the pitiful
Micronautalyst interchangeable
All of this gamma grammar far from 'Bama
Got mind control bandannas
To control your clan with scanners
Brand the planet like a band of bandits
Who man the cannons and guns with random
Sub atomic, love of logic, bug with phonics
Tub of chronic low in bridle with controlling ciphers
Unraveling rhyme, in traveling time
Alien life form mail in a pipe bomb
Deltoid life long I write songs
Monarch absolute, serve a glass of proof
When I vanish leave my spirit in a planet
On top of the surface my words and wit emerging

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