
Songtext Thought you said Brandy


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Thought you said

(baby .. babyy)

Take a good look at me
I done cried from the lies
It hurts so bad inside
If u need a thing aint never had nothing to me break me down to the floor til I hide the pain
and to show you your girlfriend (missingwords)
What you had me thinking you word was your bond
(dont you know)
That your never gonna love if you knew it was a situation you knew you werent ready for
I could see if your feelings had changed but damn you just slammed the door
You told me the one you said you would put down your whole life for
I can comprehaned .... (missingwords)

How can you turn on me
(how can you how can you)
How can you purposely
(how can you how can you)

[chorus: Brandy]
Lessoned learned house can burn were close to heat
Betcha words dont mean nothing to me
Thought you said thought you said that you loved me
Thought you said thought you said that you need me
Thought you said thought you said you complete me
Thought you said thought you said you were never gonna let it go
Thought you said thought you said wen you held me
Thought you said thought you said when'd you tell me
Thought you said thought you said no one else could replace me
Thought you said thought you said that your never gonna let it go

The times that you werent there
The times that you left me here
The times that I needed you
You know my love is true
My passions inside for you
The nights that I cried for you
A man has these feelings too
Same shit that chall go thru
I been here before
Sometimes the pain you ignore
Until its right at your door
And then you just cant no more
Why does love feel this way
Why does it hurt so bad

cant even look me in the face
why does love hurt this way

how can you turn on me
(how can you how can you)
how can you purposely
(how can you how can you)

[chorus: Brandy]
Lessoned learned house can burn were close to heart
Betcha words dont mean nothing to me
Thought you said, thought you said that you loved me
Thought you said thought you said that you need me
Thought you said thought you said you complete me
Thought you said thought you said you were never gonna let it go
Thought you said thought you said when you held me
Thought you said thought you said when'd you tell me
Thought you said thought you said no one else could replace me
Thought you said thought you said that you never gonna let it go

The heartache and pain
Sometimes it goes to your brain
Sometimes it makes you insane
Sometimes our joy is our pain
Cuz it tears u apart these affairs of the heart
I think im strong but im not
And when i look in ya eyes you know it kills me inside
But I cant wait for that day that you come back to me girl
After we both go away its just to see if its real
Theres no denying the fact its meant to be
If you let it go and then they come back.
If this is our last dance we need to practice our steps,
The situation I left behind but your hearts what I kept,
You said I did you wrong you did me wrong we was both at fault
And of course you lost me with your alibis and all of your talking
And most important I just question my self

the pain is taking over I can't believe
(I need your hand)
what happened then compared to now is dreams
(I need your hand)
and I know now that you'll - me

I cant sleep, I cant breathe, I aint eat in days, stomach pains from arguing
Didn't you cheat on me that's how the problems started
And as far as im concerned we learned our lesson
Well its all in the healing and that process has got me stressin
Im so pressured i'm so physically drained
I aint thinkin straight I loved you more than my own self
Although I couldnt bear the pain of seein my old self
Young wild uncontroled self
I love you grl I dont need no one else

[chorus: Brandy]
Lessoned learned house can burn were close to heart
Betcha words dont mean nothing to me
Thought you said, thought you said that you loved me
Thought you said, thought you said that you need me
Thought you said, thought you said complete me
Thought you said, thought you said you were never gonna let it go
Thought you said, thought you said when you held me
Thought you said, thought you said when'd you tell me
Thought you said, thought you said no one else could replace me
Thought you said, thought you said that you never gonna let it go

when I look in your eyes you know it kills me inside

didn't you, didn't you, didn't you, didn't you, oo ooo

lesson learned
house can burn
we close to heat
bet your words dont mean nothing to me

these affairs of the heart I think i'm strong but im not

thought you said thought you said that you love me
thought you said thought you said that you need me

come back to me girl

how can you how can you
thought you said thought you said you complete me
thought you said thought you said you were never gonna let it go

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