Downtown Science

Songtext This is a visit Downtown Science


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This is a visit

Ready to roll, yet all control
Lies in the hands of those
Who understand the words
Came a long way to drop this
Took airplanes, and helicopters
Touch down, to touch base
On certain issues pertaining to the place
And time, here and now
And if you don't know, you're gettin shown how
To fit the puzzle together, piece by piece
And see the picture develop and increase
To high definition, comin alive when
You differentiate for real, focal 10
And though the time we spend here my seem to fly
We'll linger in your mind's eye
A sight you saw
As sure as the universal law
Less is more
More than ever before
Dreams capable of bein set for the head
This is a visit

Plan to visit
You have to visit
You have to visit

We're not the ones people think we are
That's why we project a image from way far
To your mind's eye where your thoughts connect to form
One vision different from the norm
It's got to be the shape of tomorrow
And we define that desing as our own
Means of usin machines to make dreams reality
So every nationality
Under the sun reveres the outcome
Of what was thought up, planned out and done
For the purpose of leavin behind a mark
The others will find, the kind that spark
A chain reaction, as one by one you feel satisfaction
Full focus with no distraction
Or interference allowed to pass through
And distort the view
This is a visit

Plan to visit
You have to visit
You have to visit

Over your head, that's where we hover, like a harrier
Aimin to break the sound barrier
Moments before dawn
Pausin briefly, then we're gone
Disappearin to a speck in the distance
Silhouetted by the brightness of non-existance
Ahead of our time, they wouldn't accept us
Kept us behind
Made us wait for the green light
But now we got it
And can't nothin stop the prodcut
Bound to stimmulate a response from those who range
The focus of the rhyme remains unchanged
Calculated maneouvers executed at the precise time
Land on the dime
Obliteratin the target
Ground Zero - the rap market
This is a visit

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Downtown Science is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Downtown Science. Their most popular genres are Electronica, Alternative Rap, Hip-Hop and Trip-hop.

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