The Waterboys

Songtext The wedding The Waterboys


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The wedding

The father who sired her handed her over
the crack-handed orchestra played
The bride and the groom stood shoulder-to-shoulder
as the ill-starred wedding was made

She lifted her veil as the groom gently kissed her
and all did appear to be well
But the limousine driver heard every harsh whisper
as they drove to the country hotel

In the Grand Hotel ballroom the guests were assembling
the champagne like tapwater flowed
The men wearing top hats, and fop coats and top coats
the women in bustles and bows
The brideæ?¯ jealous sister sat alone in her place
and sneered as the couple came in
The maitre-de coughed and said æ??lease take your places,
the Banquet is about to begin?
The street doors burst open and an army of footman
swept in bearing salvers and trays
Fiddlers and clowns went from table to table
amid black smoke and cigarette haze
Noone saw the best man as he secretly winked
at the brideæ?¯ jealous sister it seemed
And then cried out æ?¥aiter, Bring me more drink
and more Marilyn Monroe ice-cream?
When the wine had been poured and the tables were cleared
the toasts and the speeches began
The bride and groom cut the cake, everyone cheered!
then all eyes fell on the best man.
He climbed off his chair, and he licked his cracked lips
and declared in a voice cold and dry
æ??he tricked and hijacked him, with guilt she trapped him
this day is a sham and a lie?
Her father leapt up with a curse and a roar
and slew the best man in the head
The groom cried æ??laggard!?and with a flash of his sword
his father-in-law fell down dead
The bride ran screaming in floods of bright tears
and collapsed at the foot of the stairs
Where her sister was waiting with scissors and shears
and hacked off every inch of her hair.

Up on the roof sat seven fat crows, the moon rose low in the west.
the groom was arrested still in his wedding clothes
And hanged in his pants and his vest
the bald-headed bride bought a ticket to Spain
And eloped with a wig-makers son
while her jealous mad sister, riven with shame
Became a nun!

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The Waterboys were formed in 1983 by Scottish multi-instrumentalist Mike Scott as a vehicle for his songwriting and vocals. Scott is the only permanent member and although there have been more than 30 players there have been a few important and prominent additions such as Anthony Thistlethwaite (multiple instruments notably saxophone and mandolin) Karl Wallinger (Keyboards) and Steve Wickham (Fiddle). The Waterboys have released more than ten albums but their most well known album is undoubtedly Fisherman's Blues (1988) which saw its title track reach the top ten. However it is their earlier album This Is the Sea (1985) that produced their two biggest hit singles "The Whole of the Moon". The Waterboys have been noted as an influence by many musicians most notably Grant Nicholas (Feeder) The Edge and Bono (U2) and Colin Meloy (The Decemberists). Most recently The Waterboys released a new album Book of Lightning (2007) which as so far produced one single, "Everybody Takes A Tumble" and they are currently playing limited dates in the US and Canada.

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