Del tha Funkee Homosapien

Songtext The wacky world of mass transit Del tha Funkee Homosapien


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The wacky world of mass transit

Fresh from the meadow with a mellow attitude
I was plannin' to persue another quest for the bus
I had to go to San Fran, it's something that I can't stand
It's beggin' for a ride with ma dukes makes a fuss
I don't like fussin' so I ask my older cousin
Could he maybe find time to give the D-E-L a lift
He said it is impossible because he has a roster full of plans for the
I had to go and sift through pennies in my jeans
To many it may seem that the public transportation really isn't keen
And I agree with the theory
Because it's 3:30 and the bus was due at 2:35
I wear my Girbauds so I can wait with pride
I waited at the bus stop feeling kinda high
From a spliff that I smoked
I riffed and provoked
A liitle scene when the bus arrived late like a joke
With a corny punchline
And it was only lunchtime
The bus should've been here, the driver had much time
To get is act together
No matter what the weather
Now I'm sittin' at the bus stop waitin' like forever
[SKIT #1]
When oh when is the bus gonna come
I'm getting sick and tired of the wait
When oh when is the bus gonna come
Well here comes a pack of about 14
Lookin' real mean with hoodies and jeans
And bad attitudes and I wasn't in the mood
For no head on collision with the hoods
Try to use my transfer but it's no good
Would these rough lookin' kids get busy with the youngsta
Amongst the many who must catch rapid transit to get through the city
I'm not certain
But if I go sit in the back it's curtains
Kids wanna ride the back
What kinda shit is that?
Nowadays niggas can't wait to hit the back
Let me stand in the front with the elderly
So those other cats won't raise hell with me
[SKIT #2]
Oh golly gee, not another day on the 46A
I should've caught the 46B
'Cause dukes takes the mass scene and group through the trees
And shoots the breeze with the ladies
Look at that around the way girl
Yeah, I see her
(whistle) More crack than a drug dealer
A kid sits by me with a gang of afro sheen on
I'm not Joe Clark and I would hate for him to lean on
My shoulder and try to hold a conversation
'Cause I don't have the patience
When oh when is the bus gonna reach it's destination
Question over space and time
Wastin' time
Word up, I can't take this line of nitwits
I'm about to have a fit quick
'Cause this trip here is making me car sick
Check out the brother with the loaded .38
Braggin' to his buddies about the money that he makes
Sellin' crack viles like pancakes
To baseheads just like the one
That's sittin by the window starvin' for a fix
He spent his last 80 cents on fare
He raises up and lets me get in his chair
Then I sit and take a snooze
But I still lose
'Cause I cruise right past my stop
Had to get off and walk 15 blocks. . .

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