Modern Talking

Songtext The space mix Modern Talking


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The space mix

Roger, roger. Calling, calling, roger, roger, can you read me?
78-78-9, 78-78-9, do you read me? Roger, major!
This is Modern Talking spaceship 1998,
we need authorization to land.
Major, major? Landing co-ordinations.
We are now ten seconds from countdown (touchdown?).
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Engage the blast off (engage for landing).
Keepin' the chance of rain calling cloudy skies,
but we're gonna see if we can make the sun shine anyway.
Right here on a station that pays,
if you want the hits, the whole hits,
and nothing but the hits... on your FM dial, keep it right here, baby.
Modern Talking! 'Cheri Cheri Lady'!
And it goes down... like that. Come on!
The lady of my life is out,
and when you feel the real deal,
giving you nothing but sex-appeal.
You steal my mind, I love the way you do me,
break it down to the sound of 'Brother Louie'.
...Brother Louie!
Check it out, check it out, here we go, let me say it.
Tax on wax make the brothers wanna play it.
The front, the front, the back, the back,
the hip, the hop, the rhyme, the rap.
Every single line you admire,
stays in your brain like earth, wind and fire.
I take you higher, fairly you desire,
I'm not a liar, I roll like a tyre!
98.7 on your FM dial! You're listening to Modern Talking,
and this is Doctor For My Heart! Break it down!
Watch yourself half thirty in the morning,
get out of bed and then I join in.
Straight to the bathroom to wash my face,
to my surprise there's no toothpaste.
Move with the air with the sounds that you like to hear,
Modern Talking back for 1998!
We're doin' it live on your 98.7 station.
Pump up the sound, pump up the bass,
in your face, as we move the whole place.
Pump up the sound, pump up the bass,
in your face, as we move the whole place.
Modern Talking's in the house. Modern Talking's in the house. Modern Talking's
in the house.
Everybody, wave your hands in the air, come on!
Here we go, y'all! Everybody in the whole house,
I wanna see your hands in the air,
wave 'em like you just don't care!
Well, a-hip, a-hop, a-hippi to the hippi,
the hip hip the hop and you don't stop,
and rock you to the bang-bang-boogie,
say up join the boogie to the rythm of the boogie the beat.
Now what you hear is a modern sound, and we're rockin' to the beat.
Now all you gotta do is pump the sound, and move your funky feet!
Jam it on the station that plays! You know how it goes,
baby, the all day, everyday,
we're jammin' it live right here in the studio with Modern Talking.
'98 remix, You're My Heart, You're My Soul and all of that,
baby, and much much more on your FM dial.
Kick it! This is XL Singleton signing off,
saying thank you to all 'n' yours 'n' yours 'n' yours
for tuning into the Modern Talking talk hour.
Yes! Keeping it real for 1998, and so on,
98.7 on your FM dial, baby, you're my heart.

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Modern Talking was a German dance pop duo consisting of Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen. Genre-wise they were often classified under Europop. They have been referred to as Germany's most successful pop duo and have had a number of hit singles reaching the top-5 in many countries. Some of their most popular and widely known singles are "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", "You Can Win If You Want", "Cheri Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie", "Atlantis Is Calling (S.O.S. for Love)" and "Geronimo's Cadillac".

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