Arab Strap

Songtext The shy retirer Arab Strap


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The shy retirer

another bloated disco, another sniff of romance i'll forget
we promised to ourselves before we came out we'd do something we regret
these people are your friends
this cunted circus never ends
i won't remember anything you say

i lost my social skills a while ago but no i feel them coming back
my eyes were rolling when we met and now they are perparing for attack
i want to fall in love tonight and for the perfect unbreakable bond
you can be my teenage jenny agutter, swimming naked in a pond
you know i'm always moanin'
but you jumpstart my seratonin
but how d'you know you've ever really loved?

but when i feel like this, i know it doesn't matter
if i wat when i'm not hungy i can feel my face get fatter
then i thin out every weekend and i think that she might want me
but i always slip off my own 'cause...

i let those feelings haunt me, they control me, but tonight i'm letting go
you're more then just a photo album, you're more than what some people let you know
and if we ever make it home, i'll tell you all the things that shaped me thus;
something forged in a phonebox but lost in a restaurant we've got so much to discuss
here, have you tried the blue ones?
i hear he's got some new ones
sleep is not an option tonight

look at us just stand and stare
look at them just pose and pout
and we'll all be standing here
until the pigs chuck us out

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Scottish miserablists Arab Strap were a musical duo from Falkirk. They marked themselves out with their brooding sound and honest stories. Touching on disappointing trips to petrol stations, weekend watching of The Simpsons, and getting by in a world where the local pub can on occasion contain every girl you have ever slept with, Arab Strap presented a touching and gritty take on contemporary Scottish life. In 2006 the band completed a farewell tour entitled Ten Years of Tears.

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