
Songtext The rise and the fall(live in the u.K.) Helloween


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The rise and the fall(live in the u.K.)

This is the Rise and the Fall...

Once a singer sang 'bout bullshit
Everyone could see him fall
And be sure it's been his last hit
He's never been seen at all

Some dictator felt progressive
And lay down in the sun
But his people were aggressive
They killed him with a gun

Sometimes you're wrong
By some things you have done
You see fate is too strong
Nothing's won
No use for a fight
If you're not acting right
You'll be cut down to size
Like a lie

It's the rise and fall
The prize for all
That ain't nice at all
Luck is like a ball
You can't recall or care at all
So better use your brain

A little dragon could spit fire
But never so for something bad
He didn't know the knight's desire
To throw a lance into his head

Romeo loved his Juliet
Their parents told them "Stop"
Then it all turned out peculiar
He couldn't get it up

And it's all in vain
When you're living with pain
Reap not goods you have grown
By your own
Feelings you like
Disappear overnight
You sip up every grin
Free to win

It's the rise and fall
The prize for all
That ain't nice at all
Luck is like a ball
You can't recall or care at all
You nearly go insane

(Solo: both/Kai/Mike)

A spaceman flies the rocket
That takes him to the stars
Thinks his wife is in his pocket
But she's strolling 'round in bars

The king of Los Angeles
Bought himself a teddy bear
And the queen became shameless
She did it with a chair

Sometimes you're wrong
By some things you have done
You see fate is too strong
Nothing's won
No use for a fight
If you're not acting right
You'll be cut down to size
Like a lie

It's the rise and fall
The prize for all
That ain't nice at all
Luck is like a ball
You can't recall or care at all
So better use your brain

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In the early 1980s Helloween stood alongside Blind Guardian as one of the early European power metal bands. Walls of Jericho (1985) was a genre defining album and remains an exemplar of power metal. After that, they recruited a new vocalist, Michael Kiske, and the new album, Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 1 (1987) consolidated the success of their debut. The third album Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part II (1988) is considered to be the seminal Helloween release.

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