Stiff Little Fingers

Songtext The night that the wall came down Stiff Little Fingers


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The night that the wall came down

Maybe you remember, before the wall came down
How we hared one another from the other side of town
Now I'm an old man
And an old man can see
All that hate can leave you with
It's just photographs and no permanent past
And an ever growing rift
Back then it was easy to blame the other guy
You had it all so they built the wall and we were left to cry
And a young man
With a young man's haste
Will challenge every law
So he'll try to break out but there's never a doubt
That he is bound to fall
Then there's all the lies they tell you
And the lies you tell yourself
So you end up crying
The night that the wall came down
The night that the wall came down
The night that the bricks fell apart
And the wall came tumbling down
They said it would protect us, from evil from the west
How you'd sacrifice everything in the pursuit of personal wealth
But a mother
With a mother's tear
Sees her family torn apart
There are some by her side others still trapped inside
Only living in her heart
So what use, the lies they tell you
Or the lies you tell yourself
So you end up shouting
Oh, oh and don't let them tell you
The future holds no hope
Oh, oh, oh never let them beat you
Look forward, take control
Verse 1

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Stiff Little Fingers are a Northern Irish punk rock band from Belfast, formed in 1977. They started out as a schoolboy band called Highway Star (named after the Deep Purple song) doing rock covers, until they discovered punk. They split up after six years and four albums, although they reformed five years later, in 1987. Despite major personnel changes, they are still touring and recording as of 2010. Jake Burns, their lead singer, is the only member to have been with the band during all its incarnations, although in March 2006, original bass guitarist Ali McMordie rejoined them following the departure of The Jam bass player Bruce Foxton after fifteen years.

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