Disney´s Beauty And The Beast

Songtext The mob song Disney´s Beauty And The Beast


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The mob song

[Gaston:] The Beast will make off with your children.
[Mob:] {gasp}
[Gaston:] He'll come after them in the night.
[Belle:] No!
[Gaston:] We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall! I
say we kill the Beast!
[Mob:] Kill him!

[Man I:] We're not safe until he's dead
[Man II:] He'll come stalking us at night
[Woman:] Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite
[Man III:] He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free
[Gaston:] So it's time to take some action, boys
It's time to follow me

Through the mist
Through the woods
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride
Say a prayer
Then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside
It's a beast
He's got fangs
Razor sharp ones
Massive paws
Killer claws for the feast
Hear him roar
See him foam
But we're not coming home
'Til he's dead
Good and dead
Kill the Beast!

[Belle:] No! I won't let you do this!
[Gaston:] If you're not with us, you're against us!
Bring the old man!
[Maurice:] Get your hands off me!
[Gaston:] We can't have them running off to warn the creature.
[Belle:] Let us out!
[Gaston:] We'll rid the village of this Beast. Who's with me?
[Mob:] I am! I am! I am! )

Light your torch
Mount your horse
[Gaston:] Screw your courage to the sticking place
[Mob:] We're counting on Gaston to lead the way
Through a mist
Through a wood
Where within a haunted castle
Something's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day
It's a beast
One as tall as a mountain
We won't rest
'Til he's good and deceased
Sally forth
Tally ho
Grab your sword
Grab your bow
Praise the Lord and here we go!

[Gaston:] We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back his head!
[Belle:] I have to warn the Beast! This is all my fault! Oh, Papa,
what are we going to do?
[Maurice:] Now, now, we'll think of something.

[Mob:] We don't like
What we don't understand
In fact it scares us
And this monster is mysterious at least
Bring your guns
Bring your knives
Save your children and your wives
We'll save our village and our lives
We'll kill the Beast!

[Cogsworth:] I knew it! I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up.
[Lumiere:] Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all.
Could it be?
[Mrs Potts:] Is it she?
[Lumiere:] Sacre Bleu! Invaders!
[Cogsworth:] Encroachers!
[Mrs Potts:] And they have the mirror!
[Cogsworth:] Warn the Master! If it's a fight they want, we'll be
ready for them! Who's with me?
[Gaston:] Take whatever booty you can find. But remember, the
Beast is mine!

[Objects:] Hearts ablaze
Banners high
We go marching into battle
Unafraid although the danger just increased
[Mob:] Raise the flag
Sing the song
Here we come, we're fifty strong
And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong
Let's kill the Beast!

[Mrs Potts:] Pardon me, Master.
[Beast:] Leave me in peace.
[Mrs Potts:] But sir! The castle is under attack!

[Mob:] Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast

[Lumiere:] This isn't working!
[Featherduster:] Oh Lumiere, we must do something!
[Lumiere:] Wait, I know! )

[Mob:] Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!

[Mrs Potts:] What shall we do, Master?
[Beast:] It doesn't matter now. Just let them come.

[Mob:] Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!
Kill the Beast!

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