Souls Of Mischief

Songtext The interrogation Souls Of Mischief


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The interrogation

Hieroglyphics baby
Yeah, yeah!

Yo, we delicate precision I erect the prison
Make you respect the wisdom
Man Im chillin with these checks Im gettin
Cashola when I raps over tracks, yo I mack
Just to break a ho back, we spin that ass over
Stop hatin before my dogs mash on ya
Niggas claimin they ballers they cant even sack dosia
No model chicks, just a trick, some wack (bova? )
No range rover just a moped and a crashed nova
Yall speak hard but then you leave scarred
When you see my deep squad it mean you fin to meet god
Is you a retard, it get heavy when pleas start
Snatch your weak broad then we playin leapfrog

Yeah we sometimes explicit
Never complicit, bust it
I gets busy usin the arts of mystics
Break the shit down then I start to twist it
Blow it, into the wind
When I touch the microphone its a win-win, situation
You placed in Im goin for the ball
Its all about concentration and placement
Boxin niggas out rockin any house
Any time, any where, any how, nigga feel me now?
Phenomenon, for the mash on the feminine
Off the sour mash cobwebs in my calabash
Blast on you scalawags
Then Ill blow up some power plants
Dont have to ask you yo how was that

[chorus: tajai]
Yeah we inter-continental
Multiple mentals, possessive of all essentials
Movin on you minstrels
Man this what we off in to
This what we was meant to do
Uh yeah we inter-continental
Ballistic missile
Melt bones, flesh and gristle
Put away your pistol
Cause you gon feel us when we hit you
Nigga we the hiero crew, marks

They aint got the heart to battle us
Our challengers stay talentless
Im imbalanced fuckin (funabulous? )
No need to counteract you counter-attack us youre kinda wack
Engaged in static with the lymphatic pimp at it
Large and the thought you was still swift at it rhythmatic
With hard shit
Wordsmith versatile while jewel of the nile style
ll get you buried
They see your picture when they get your obituary
You scary-ass low-class ho-ass nigga
Broke-ass nigga you dont know cash, nigga

Aw yeah
Im like side street high speedin
Sharp turnin
Rack and pinion steering veerin towards the curb &
Police runnin, machine-gunnin
Gasoline mark fuhrman, start burnin, leave nothin
No evidence just dead presidents
The feds nemesis treacherous evil residents
Who got weapons with scopes on em op squash it
They deep as the exorcist tryin to cause a closed coffin
Man Im on a mic show stoppin
Like a loaned shotgun
The rest are so monotonous
Pseudo-scientific but you know hieros infinite
Fuck a diamond I dominate concentrate

[chorus: tajai]
Yeah we inter-continental
Meditated mind state balanced mental
Movin on you minstrels
Mashin on the instrumental
Man thats what we meant to do
Uh, yeah we inter-continental
Ballistic missile
Melt bones, flesh and gristle
You aint fin to feel shit when we hit you
We into you, this is the hiero crew, marks

[phesto dee]
Yeah its metal gear for the track layer
Sword blaze your vertebaes up
Swing my laser like a space-age sensei
The suckers sashe
Backfire on the messiah
Its quick draw
Rapid fire through your rap attire
I side-saddle ya
Sciatica straddle your automatics
Dazzled em with fabulous force thats haphazardous
Third-rail ya taggers with flow, hell daggers
I nailed raymond, you frail baggage
A stale package
Sharp hatchet heres johnny
Lyrics (rally? )
Draw down like salvador dali
Out the drawer to the hollies
Snatchin bodies clowns get cracked up at the colli
Like niggas tryin to 720 wind mill into our alley

[pep love]
It was written in the stone tablets
Hieroglyphics rippin microphones savage
Puttin imperium on the map bitch
Niggas be lettin they lips flap
Speakin on my crew in front the hoes
Dude, what kinda shits that?
You bound to get slapped
Car-jacked and pistol smacked
And get your bitch kidnapped
And I dont even get down like that
But word get around quick
Guess you wanna hear me spit some town shit
Nah I got a different style, in the 99th percentile
While you tryin to get down I been down with real niggas
That will make you wig-wiggle
While Im gigglin stickin ya chick with the dill pickle,
You feel that?

[chorus: tajai]
We inter-continental
You corny niggas always tracin usin stencils
Mash you mentals
I hope you got full-dental
Nigga this the hiero crew, marks
Yeah we inter-continental
Ballistic missle
Melt bones, flesh and gristle
Movin on you minstrels
Mashin on the instrumental
Nigga this the hiero crew, marks!

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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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