
Songtext The ill shit Epmd


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The ill shit

[chorus, ice cube]
With tha boom and ping!
Listen to the ill shit that I bring bring!
(repeats 4 times)

[erick sermon]
Whats the 411?
Erick sermon, ice cube, and kam are here to get the job done
So back the fuck up! I have an attitude, dude, Im bout ta get rude
Im buckin out shots during my interlude
Right about now Im bout ta get corageous like the cat
Got the gat in the corner of my back so get the bozack
The american dream, the people choice pick
I flip more vowels than pat sajaks white bitch
Im bad ask michael jacksons dad about e-double
The mack fram, the black superman made of steel
The mic Im holdin is a samson
E-d the green eyed bandit in raw fashion
Im lettin niggaz know my territory
My ground is rugged. I kill a million niggaz so fuck it!
Nick knack paddy whack give a dog a bone
Once again its on with the brand new song, yeah boy!


God damn, not kam!
But Im afraid so, I lay low like a brick
Quick to make a cameo, so hand me your eardrum cuz here comes the 411
Little devils dont go to heaven, 187 on a saltine cracker
Smack a, paranoid busta so dont make me have to act a fool
Whats up? now you can determine
The west coast niggaz is down with erick sermon on the g tip
We trips hard on the opposition
Three niggaz on a mission so listen to the ill shit
Cuz well get wrecked!
What you expect! fuck a rain nigga take a chin check!


[ice cube]
Well here I go again, throwin up the w
Ice cube and Im down wit e-double crew
Pullin up in my homies black 6-4
Hittin switches but mines a convertible
Matched to the west side, still got the 2-2
Cuz some niggaz dont believe in a gang truce
Personal shit what is this? ? ? epmd, goin out of business?
God damnit! cant leave my dog stranded...the green eyed bandit
Picked up kam cause my nigga need a ride. fuck a peace treaty
But still have the 4-5...glock cocked for the clown
Yeah we down pulled up and echoed sound
Dont ya know that we can drop 10 of these, dope tracks
So fuck all our enemies!


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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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