
Songtext The hype Epmd


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The hype

{beastie boys sample:
Heres a little story I gots to tell repeats in background}

[erick sermon]
Hype, one two like that yall
Check it out one two yall
Its the beat, that make it one and two yall
Its the beat, that makes me wanna ?
Peace to my niggaz
Peace to my mens
Like that, one two yall, check it out

Sundays here, the end of the week
And the clubs packed and shit, I feel like freakin
Pick up the phone, call my niggaz, yo whattup dude?
Need me a bitch man, to put me in the fuckin mood
Check this here - Ill pick you up around twelve oclock
Right around the parking lot, Ill find a spot
Its on, man Ill see you soon
In about twelve hours, yeah past noon

Its the hype yo
Its the hype

Word, pulled up brake, ehh, by the front door
Parlay, and I stepped out hardcore
I tipped the boy park the car in the front
Not the back, in case I have to run and get my strap
I walked inside, somebody sing, errrick serrrmon
Thats me, got me in free
Looked around the club, man no half-steppin
Walked straight up, to the v.i.p. section
Sat by the wall, so I can see whats happenin
My boys spread out, got their girls, and rappin
Oh no, I see a girl comin towards me
Posse deep, so I paused for the cause g
She approached me, hi, told me her name
I told her my name, then kicked the game
Sat beside me, like little miss tuffet (hello)
Talkin bullshit, knowin I want to fuck it
Basically, I figured she was widdit
So I pulled out my ink pen and exchanged the phone digits
Gimme a call when you get to your crib
So I can get directions, right to where you live
She smiled, and left, the girl was wide open
Im no jokin, when the e blows the smoke in
Check the rolex, asked for my check
The waitress came over in a pair of black spandex (whoo!)
Gave me a look like, arent you erick sermon?
Yes, and who is it concernin? me, thats the hype

Its the hype

I asked her, what time you get off? oh, in 15 minutes
So I stormed the bitch like a blizzard
Umm, can I take you home? sure meet me in the parking lot
Ill flash my high beams, so you can find my spot
She came out - man, she was all that
Cool like that, and stacked like that
She jumped in with a wide open grin
Before I went to her crib, I dropped off my best friend
Got to his house, and gave him dap
He knew what time it was, so he passed me a jim hat
Got to her house, then parked the jeep
I asked her who was home she said her sister but she sleep
Walked upstairs, right into the room
With one skylight lookin straight at the moon (yep yep)
She wasted no time, man she was on it
Grabbed for the bozack, and her hands was packed
Took off our clothes, went to work, man trust me
I heard someone knockin, somebody tried to bust me
It was her sister, man I must be buggin (ahh shit!)
Its the same girl, I met from the night clubbers
Thats your sister? oh I didnt know -- Ill go
And they both screamed, hell no!
They smiled, with a devilish grin
And the other sister jumped in

Thats the hype
Its the hype yo
Thats the hype
Word em up, one two its the hype, check it out yo yo
Its the hype yo
Its the hype, yo its the hype, word em up its the hype
Yo ? , take em out

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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