Todd Rundgren

Songtext The finale Todd Rundgren


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The finale

Drumgoole, my dear, I must admit
Your lifes been one long pile of shit
I must be nuts, at least a bit
To want to be involved in it

But given the alternative
Who knows how wed be forced to live?
When worlds collide, when worlds collide?
With you, drumgoole, at my side
And at my side!
And at my side!

With worlds colliding in on us
Drumgoole must be trigamous
Pray, say we shall be man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

When worlds collide, the chivalrous
Drumgoole performs the frivolous
And dares to make it man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

That ones mine, hes my concubine
Hell get more out of me
Than what you peons call love
Hands off him, that ones mine!

Your favors do not satisfy
Ive witnesses wholl testify
And though drumgoole is thin of thigh
Shes worth a try, shes worth a try

Though nature was not generous
Her breasts are not as pendulous
Yet still they would be man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

Now according to the law this week
Still evolving even as we speak
Any woman may, at her discretion
Have her pick of losers

Since the breed has dropped so in quality
We abolish, hereby, monagomy
If you dont quite fancy this selection
Weve got lots more losers

Ive seen all that I need to see
Ive fallen for their flattery
And so we shall be man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

When worlds collide, the rest of us
Wont be here with the best of us
For these, they shall be man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

Correct me, honey
I smell no money
And when the chips are down
Youll be back around this finger here
I never said that I was in love with you
I never said that I was not, my dear

Why must this girl have everything?
How quickly he forgets the sting
For though she feigns to please him
She is talentless except to tease him
Dont think we havent noticed

Well have a shower
And Ill allow her
She seems amused with you
Its so hard to keep her entertained
Well all go nudies
And you can bring your friends
Just keep the one whos nuts for tits restrained!

My long term memory
Is not what it should be
Some tiny spark of love
Helps me find the proper words to say
Your smell of money
You filthy, lying bitch
Is just about to make me puke!
Go away
Please go away!
Its time to make us man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

Weve simplified, no muss, no fuss
And vows are now superfluous
I just declare you man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

Wait a minute! wait a minute!
Georgianna, get over here with that law book
Listen up everybody

Ive the law book right in front of me
Article sixteen dash thirty-three
When consenting adults shack together
Theyre connected legally

Though he wants to eat and have his cake
Theres a pact with me he cannot break
So the rest of you go rot forever
This one will stay here with me

When worlds collide, the devious
The cunning, and the mischevious
Our not-yet-happy-home divide
When worlds collide, when worlds collide

When worlds collide, this friend of us
Is forced to be a succubus
Cruel fate is not upon our side
When worlds collide, when worlds collide

Connie! connie!
This urgent telegram is just in from parliament
Well dont just stand there, lets gloat over it
Aw oh, I dont think youre going to like this
Must clear the old regime away
The residue must be destroyed
As of 9:00 oclock today
Contracts with men are null and void

Youre free, my boy, Im proud to say
And so without further delay
I now declare you man and bride
And man and bride and man and bride!

When worlds collide, the least of us
May get to share the feast with us
For now we four are man and bride
til worlds collide, til worlds collide
Were men and bride!

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