Goodie Mob & Sleepy Brown

Songtext The day after Goodie Mob & Sleepy Brown


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The day after

I'm so happy we made it
I knew one day we would
All these years of strugglin'
Were never understood
Now my eyes are open and i can clearly see
We didn't die for nothin' cuz we're finally free
I'm so happy

My grand be gone after a 103 years of blood sweat and pain
And never complained
The last words that the nurse heard was the song she sang
Died tired of this living thing
Most i knew never made it to drinking age
Sometimes i fight gipp
Should i spend or should i hold on for what tomorrow brings
Fly ain't that roll egg, so many lips in my head
Seeing some act up from one tste out the cup
Can't build me up to cut me down
Gipp is in your game, but gipp won't play your game
In the day after...

I been this way since birth
Heaven upon sent a newborn to tell it like he see it
No lies thru the eyes of an angel suggest you don't table
Every angle be obtuse, ain't no truce, it's war
It won't stop, to compromise wouldn't stop the bloodsheddin'
It's armageddon in the streets of each inner city
Ain't takin' no pity on this unjust callin' it trust
I'm on the bus starin' out of a window
Thankin' 'bout them happy days i had
Over the summer growin' up fast to face life and harsh realities
That come wit the territody didn't know when i was young
So many get hung to hang
Take away the bad and bring back
The good that die mostly over bullshit
Takin' a gun and pulled it on an innocent friend of mine
That could have been yours
How can i stop the war and all the crime inside the minds that's
Programmed to destroy
From the beginning when will it end...
On the day after judgement will i be ready

I'm so happy we made it
I knew one day we would
All these years of strugglin'
Were never understood
Now my eyes are open and i can clearly see
We didn't die for nothin' cuz we're finally free
I'm so happy

Meant i'd be spoiled rotten
A fin here a fin there but receipts please
For my feet i need... a new pair of hi rollin'
But the car ain't stolen
Pistol still smokin' from herndon homin' in on somebody
Gotta pay for restitution with heavily on my mind
Free fom mental debris hose me down
There my physical trame lay returnin' to its rightful place
A quest for forgiveness answer...
The death toll talley but my soul was spared
How is your prepared medium rare if you dare disobey
Well done race you the last one to orion star
Smellin' like shit in a glass jar
The bomb light years away from earth secure a space for my family
The mother of my first conceived and all the weak relatives
I hurt only...when i laugh
On display afta judge none careless atmosphere
Opportunity knockin' answer it knewin you would
Good thangs come to those dat wait...
Took a los on church strait
The nifty fifth whut better place
Fo' mo enenmy to hide than behind religion
Done gee seen on i pray for you but i won't follow you to yo end

I know of a place not too far away
That maybe you and i can both go someday
But i gotta make sure cause i ain't tryin' to stay here
Don't y'all realize that the end is so near
But don't have fear cause you still got time
I hope you wanna come when i'm done with the rhyme
Let me explain so you won't claim you didn't know
And you can make sure that this is where you wanna go
It's all about preparing yourself for the return
And a trip to your soul is the only way you'll learn
But if you choose not to go that ain't my concern
I guess in hell you'll just have to burn
The devil tell lies and try to trick yo soul to receive it
They tell you that my lord ain't coming' back and you believe it
Regardless if you listen to me
In the end we'll see...

I'm so happy we made it
I knew one day we would
All these years of strugglin'
Were never understood
Now my eyes are open and i can clearly see
We didn't die for nothin' cuz we're finally free
I'm so happy

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