Aesop Rock

Songtext The active element Aesop Rock


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The active element

I pilot a lion heart
My polar half's negotiate it (right)
Shook upon the difference between tumble weed and sacred,
Read a hostel gospel attributed to land shark Apostle squad
Unfroze the hideous image like ??? ???.
Bat up in the bell free (help me)
I wana be the reinvention of fire
In a most stagnate tension basket
Fenced in a cognitive learning facility built with the makers of stinger repellent,
But fresh as the active element.
Draggin' bricks roped to a Saturn atlas hooked to madness
And I swear my new fresh air till the goblet cried, 'fuck the rabbits' and rose
Most soloists can't defend the might kingdoms that their passengers propose, that's why I am the rose.
New day, new rain, same old
Aches and pains, same old
Emaciated fame game, same name
Spring water ain't enough any more
I wana see the river and bottle my own crystal drizzle liquid dinner
Well aren't we the phoenix of irritant method
Here to steer the flock out the farmland while every shepherd rested
With a, head on the wall
Of sovernty hall's
I be the head shaker in a sea of nodding novelty dolls
Let's, crush the arena,
Flush the pipe dreamer
Touch the skull of each and everything
Everything everything
I am a scarecrow
Bullied by the bullies
But the masters had 'em walking in circles like eye patches
For the madness.
One day, one ran
One cold, one poem
One way, one plain
One rose, one home
One strain, one pain
One fold, one zone
One element to many to made a hungry man moan
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now) [it's not cool]
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now)
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now) [na-na nana na-na]
No I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now)
Everybody plug into the bludgeon,
Follow your hunch and align the hunt collection
To count their blessings in abundance.
Once in a crescent moon I'll adapt
To capture the essence's breakfast's participant's fishin' dissin' inventions.
Heads gather from every battered aspect of the march
To swap gossip
Who born in what city and
Who's hungry and
Who's parched'
And it gets tiring wiring the populace an anti grin and list of accomplishments
Beyond basic. Residence,
Stick figures stand at attention, deficit
And all's well that blends well with a warm hazardous combine
Thick as thieves ???
I bullied the wooly mammoth and champs
Germany frantic decamped to the wino migration, examine.
Eager to sport motley mosaic illustrate more than pendragon
I'm from a room flooded with punishment
I've seen drunken sailors pilot they vessels to split the light house
Laugh at brown bag liquor list on there way home from the blood bath
Half angle with broken halo; half primitive rug rat.
Spoken for by wide life, hybrid mutations and slum cats
Doom for dominion sluggish posture,
See I wait a lifetime just to pierce these spears though the bellies of every monster.
10 little warriors sit on a picket fence,
Ordering themselves for protection of nonsense,
Catapult the stone that struck the leader in the back and
Marked the beauty as the other 9 warriors worlds collapsed.
One day, one ran
One cold, one poem
One way, one plain
One rose, one home
One strain, one pain
One fold, one zone
One element to many to made a hungry man moan
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now)
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now)
I'll be leavin now (I'll be leavin now)
Notice I said I'd be on my way out the door
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now
I mean the doors almost closed
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now forget it
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now
I'll be leavin now.

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