Souls Of Mischief

Songtext That's when ya lost Souls Of Mischief


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That's when ya lost

[talking between the souls and pep love]

I find it fun to smash emcees into (fine bits)
So why I aint get my just deserts for all the kids I busted, huh?
I crush the curtesy when dealin with the folks is too much
For the askin
Cool-i got the (skill crafted tools)
Massive fools at my work bench and
(Im wrenchin) mics from they graspin
(thats how it has been)
The drills this: I kill swift
I feels I better slay or, (hey
My tape measures greater)
So now Im (askin) dips if they (saw me)
And they was available
Would they want me to (nailem all? )
Be through, screw drive her (screwdriver) crazy
Nuttin, bold, lively
(put on your high beams)

I, proliferator, quickly fade to niggas vigorous
Figure I kick stunts,
I punch twice that nigga thats dissin at me
Attachem to bats, latchin, and matchin my cataclism
I giveem a (skism),
I (stroke to croak her, I broke her)
Chokin up on my syntax, as I bend backs by impacts (impacts)
Then I give a concusssion in your nuts when Im bustin
Dead with my lead graff
I cloth thee, I (swing) off-beat, off the
Cerebellum, swellin nimrods
Ten brains couldnt parallel this,
(ha) Im caraouselling kids
While they wallow and swallow hallow tips (yep)
You follow and slippin
Im rippin mics nice twice like (dicin kids in fractions)
Yo, (figure, I tax men)

Steppin to casual
Thats when ya lost

What about domino?
Thats when ya lost

But if you step to snupe
Thats when ya lost

Steppin to a+...
Thats when ya lost

If you play the tajai
Thats when ya lost

Man, steppin to opio
Thats when ya lost

Seppin to phesto
Thats when ya lost

Phuck with toure
Thats when ya lost

(yo), Im willin to bet, youre willin to sweat (yah)
But illinll get you - (bruised), I kill and I step to - (crews)
And abuse twos and threes, whos the g that hoes know (me)
Me & hiero, I know, (Im fly, bro)
So why flow if youre not invigerating (why)
I know where you live,
There at your crib,
(I got niggas waitin)
I figure raping is crime, see (see)
I take my time, b (b)
And now your g (is my g)
Now Im gonna show you how the west coast smacks kids
(yo), I rhyme, it swells, so the hell with a (wack dis)
Dissin before youve ever seen this
So you can get the middle (what middle? ), the penis

Never the match the miraculous tactics
I smack tricks, the wax is at your wack bitch
(I crack bricks)
Who cant cum
I leavem broke and dumb
Def, and plus Im causin cardiac arrest
You need some rest
(check), as Im chizzlin (riddles in) your memory
Remember me?
I hacked your body to pieces
(disassembling) your (blows)
You bros started trembling from shock and trauma
(Im water)
In lives when I bomb-a
Babbling dislexic, I makeem exit
This lifetime, I wake up words, (I excite rhymes)
Im enthusin when Im bruisin
Hoes, take off your shoes when I abuse men
Your losin

If you slept on del
Thats when ya lost

Steppin to pep love
Thats when ya lost

Phuckin around with j-biz
Thats when ya lost

Step to mike g
Thats when ya lost

Smoke on that crackrock
Thats when ya lost

The souls of mischief? ?
Thats when ya lost

When you dont know where your goin? ? ?
Thats when ya lost

When you dont win!!? ?
Thats when ya lost

Phuckin around with hierogliphics
Thats when ya lost

If you phuck with the shamen
Thats when ya lost

Thats when ya lost

(thats when you lose - proper)

Thats when ya lost


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Souls of Mischief is an alternative hip hop group from Oakland, California, that is also part of the hip hop collective, Hieroglyphics. The Souls of Mischief formed in 1991 and is composed of emcees A-Plus, Opio, Phesto, and Tajai.

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