Noke D

Songtext That's what i like Noke D


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That's what i like

(feat. D-Reck, Tyte Eyez, Isis Re)


I like it (I like it), I really like it
I like it, I really really really
I like it, I really like it..

[Hook x4: Isis Re]
(that's what I like), I like it I like it
(that's what I like), I like it I really really really

This what I like, big Benz with bubble lights
When the two times 10's still spin, at the light
Falling up in the club, and partying all night
Seeing all I can see, then I'm leaving with some hype
Yeah that's what I like, she the prototype
Lil' sassy but classy, with her head on tight
Big sex rapper type, go hard all night
She Creole spice, and cook red beans and rice
Yeah that's what I like, taking first class flights
Gucci frames for sight, I'm dressed in linen white
On a tropical beach, with Robin Leach rocking ice
My hustle so precise, so my cash flow nice
Riding my way, each and every day
Man I work hard, so you know how I play

[Noke D]
We parlay parlay, and me-nage
We have sex capades, for days and days

I'ma do it how it go, and you already know
Reck all about his do', I'm a money making pro
Chance taker in a show, shake the dice and let em go
Yeah I love a good woman, but I like a good hoe

[Noke D]
See I like getting money, when I'm doing a show
I might get money, when I'm doing your hoe
Cause that's the way it go, man it go down
Whole K Eastbay, speed dot com
I'm on the front line, when it's crunch time
Fourth and goal line, I'm going for mine
And my teammate playas, eliminating haters
Boys can't fade us, we the rap game Lakers
And I like that, candy on chrome
And I like that girl, you get's one stone
So come alone, pack y'all bags
Get on the flo', and dance y'all
Come on, we gon ride candy cars now
Tahoes, Cadillacs
Roof pushed back, 4's don't clack
22's, what it do I like that

[Tyte Eyez]
I'm like Willy Escabar, and John Gotti
Mixed with Frank Nitty, all in the same body
With a 12 gauge shotty, it's the Mauseburg
Down in the Dirty 3rd, we got hard and soft birds
Pounds of the herb, gallons of the syrup
My wrist and medallion, got your stallion disturbed
When I fall up in the place, she all up in my face
But I'm leaning real steady, cause it's heavy round my waist
Killa skeet taste, dump it in the Sprite
Twisting up the sticky flight, got my eyes feeling tight
Yeah that's what I like, some dime piece hype
Dub deuced outside, got them tires sitting right
On the slab back Lac truck, go on and back up
And park it by the do', in case some jackers act up
But go on press your luck, and I'ma run through you
Put a price on your head, boy and get it done to you

[Hook x4]

I like it, I really like it
I like it, I really really really
I like it, (you know I like it)
I like it, I really really really
I like it, (you know I like it)
I like it, I really really really
I like it, (you know I like it)
I like it, (that's what I like)
I like it, (that's what I like)
(that's what I like), really
(and that-that's what I like)
(you know that's what I li-i-i-i-ike)
it's time for the song to be over with

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