
Songtext Tequila A.L.T.


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[ VERSE 1 ]I was at the bar with my drinking team
And it was me, Jack Daniels and my homie Jim BeamWe were kinda blizzed and we were tryin to behave, yo
When in walked a soldier, he was from the Fuzzy NavelWe were fallin, stumblin, crawlin
In came the police, Captain Tom CollinsAnd the vato said, "Freeze!" (Freeze!)He said, "Hands in the air and hand over your keys"
Now we did, and that was kinda simple
Now here came Margarita and her friend Shirley TempleI asked my friend 'bout MargaritaHe said that Shirley was a virgin and I wouldn't wanna meet her
So I talked to Margarita, cause, yo, she was flyer
I took her to the couch, cause I wanted to srew-drive her
Now I'm not one for a speech
But there was plenty of Tequila and Sex on the BeachY'allTequila [ *horn section plays the 'Tequila' theme* ] T-T-T-Tequila Yeah Alright Come on [ crowd ]TEQUILA! [ VERSE 2 ]Here we go again and I'm not fussin
See, I'm a French Mexican but I kick it with White RussiansAt the bar with the drink in my hand
In walked José Cuevo, it was Margarita's man
I talked to the Wise Man, cause yo, he's distinguished
His name is St.
Ides and he spoke in Olde EnglishHe said, "You better think fast
Cause José is kinda crazy and I heard he shot blast"
He gave me some advice and it went like this, yo"
Catch the Nighttrain and head up to 'Cisco"I didn't wanna stick around
I caught the 1(:)51 to New York, the GreyhoundNow I'm at the Red Zone, everybody stylin
Showbiz was sippin Ice Teas on Long IslandI blacked out, the party came to a halt
Cause I was drinkin the Tequila with the lemon and saltY'allTequila [ *horn section plays the 'Tequila' theme* ] T-T-T-Tequila Yeah Alright [ crowd ]TEQUILA! [ VERSE 3 ]I woke up in the morning and felt like a zombie
The Tequila Gold Label had bombed me
You see, I woke up late, I wasn't feelin so great
And Mike said, "There's a Bacardi party startin at 8"
Yo, we walked in the party and started playin our games
We played tops, ??? and quarters with Bartles & JaymesHere came Shirley Temple and they told me to chill
Because the Mickey Brothers took her up to Strawberry HillThey took her $1000 mink and she could barely think
Cause the Tequila that she drank had her tickled pink
Now the music came on and I rocked the instrumentalThere's a groupie named Mai Tai, a fly oriental
A groupie is a girl that jocks
She wore a def Black Velvet and drank Scotch on the rocks
We had a Fake Marriage, now here's the HoneymoonYo, it's on, Vagabond at the Blue LagoonNow everybody take a couple of words from the wise
A girlie and a bottle - Tequila SunriseTequila [ *horn section plays the 'Tequila' theme* ] Yeah Alright Come on [ crowd ]TEQUILA!

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