
Songtext Tell the truth bush Giles


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Tell the truth bush

Tell the Truth Bush
You hear this bullshit He be talkin'
Every day, man
It's like these mother-fuckers is just like professional liars
You knowwhat I'm sayin?
(X2)Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, Bitch
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers)-Lacroix
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers) Lacroix
Tell the Fucking truth,Bitch it wasYou
Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, Bitch
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers)-Lacroix
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers) Lacroix
Tell the Fucking truth,Bitch it was You
When i start anything so stupid like this i talk about bush a fucked up president dat should be kill'd any sec but i still don't understand how can half of the ppl hear this lil bitch talking about war about helping ppl out bitch he tell u too lisene and doesnt't tell the mission this bitch is more scared then anybody els stay'd inside sucking cock while telling he's bitch to blow up the towers saying he didn't do it he was in florda watching it on tv when it wasn't even brodcast until septembre 12 tell me how did bush see it...?? While u Hear all these podretriens bleed whit pain n screams Killd 2.752 u fucking prick i no it was you fuck the us army and ur bullshit ur a caword and ur familly 2 hope u die soon so i can spit on ur grave n shit on it see u on the street's alone bitch u no u gon die whit all the shoots fierd Bush tell the truth dat landin didn't do it bitch be a man bitch tell the truth to scared to idmit it while u hide in that lil Basment of urs walking around whit intertament wires and bomb proof rooms

(X2)Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, Bitch
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers)-Lacroix
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers) Lacroix
Tell the Fucking truth,Bitch it wasYou
Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects
It was you, Bitch
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers)-Lacroix
Tell the truth, Bitch
(Bush knocked down the towers) Lacroix
Tell the Fucking truth,Bitch it wasYou
You better watch what the fuck flies outta ya mouth
Or I'ma hijack a plane and fly it into the white house n burn u 2 the motha fucking grown And slit your throat, so when you scream, only blood comes out... don't spit and shit cuz u can't idmit all make u bleed till ur ass for fit ur over whit all of this shit im gon make ur motha fucking familly blow up and make a human pile up don't u realize u bitch all of this is on u I copy right this song and change a fiew words so they don't think im a basterd cuz i want half of ppl to no why u should die whit a bullet in ur mouth of full of lies ppl should no what the fuck is the truth stop putting shit into other ppl minds step back and rewind what the fuck u said and leave it behind

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Giles is a group. Their discography includes Giles. Their most popular genre is Techno.

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