Ice Mc

Songtext Tell me Ice Mc


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Tell me

Oh what a woman what a dame what a beauty
Baby gotta find out what's ya name and your duty
That's what I was thinking when you pass me by
I've never ever seen someone that look that fly
But Baby where you at as I rap this track
No womans ever touch me in your mind like that
I gotta gotta get you there's no ifs or buts
'Cause you the prima donna plus l'm tired of sluts
Is your name Christina, Deddie or Edwina
Sonia or Trisha, Cavoline or Divina
I've seen her in the supermarket round the corner
Paying for shampoo and some Evian water
Definately looking after that little body
It had enough power to take out a whole army
I'm barmy out of my mind this time
I got to have you for my woman cause your so damn fine

Tell me tell me tell me…

L'd give you what you want and make you feel like a lady
Give you good loving and l'd feed it to you daily
Do it in the shower in the closet cause l'm adle
Do it in the kitchen underneath the round tadle
No I wouldn't rush it l'd be cool and chill
Do it real slow 'cause I know I got skill
Massage your body and your mind and your soul
Making you happy is my mission
Make you happy's my goal
I'm true when I say like you there's no other
'Cause you make Cindy Crawford look
Like the Queen's Mother
If you got a hoyfriend well he don't know he's in danger
Cause somethings gonna happen
When his thing meets with a stranger
You gyal well cris no make her walk street alone
The Dreadatour deh 'bout lard him bad to the bone
L'm going to the supermarket this afternoon
L'm sure l'm gonna buck her up again real soon

I checked you out like the Del Monte man said yes
Now I want to taste you and de sure you're the best
In the area you stand out from the rest
I want to show you why I have a big "D" on my chest
Sei incredibilmente bella
Congratulations going to your mother
An God the genius I wonder how he does it
A creation like you is difficult to get adore it
You you you darlin' you got me hangin' on a string
Now now now you hit me like a Tyson Blow, Pow!

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Nato da genitori di origini giamaicane, è vissuto a Nottingham dove ha frequentato la scuola. Proprio in ambito scolastico nacque il suo nome d'arte "ICE" (in seguito si scoprì essere tratto dalle iniziali di Ian Campbell Esquire). Dopo aver lasciato la scuola, a partire dal 1983 si unisce a un gruppo di ballerini di breakdance con i quali si esibisce in tutta l'Europa. Nel 1989 conosce in Italia il produttore musicale Roberto Zanetti, che gli dà la possibilità di pubblicare dei singoli. Quello stesso anno esce dunque il suo primo singolo "Easy", in stile hip house, che riscosse un buon successo in tutto il continente e in particolar modo in Italia, dove raggiunse la top5 delle classifiche, e in Germania, dove arrivò in top3. L'anno successivo furono invece dati alle stampe i singoli "Cinema" e "Scream", e il suo primo album "Cinema", tutti di grande successo commerciale. Nel 1992, il suo secondo album "My World" non riuscì a bissare il successo del suo predecessore poiché la hip house

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