
Songtext Tell em Epmd


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Tell em

You abou to come through right. (yeah dont stress it.) you about to come
Through. (I got this check this out man.) you aint gonna front on me (i
Aint gonna front on niggas man.) make sure man Im tellin you right now.
(check this out. what Im about to do right now.) you gonna kick it word
Up. ha

Erick sermon:
Personal ggats I gots about 11, without weapons I swing more bats than k7
Plus, Im soup like campbell without heaven
Some rappers pack great big guns like frank drebbin
In this century I uphold the crown, for bringin flavor in ya ear
Plus Im gettin down, I manuver techniques for species of all kinds
The third, yours and mine, introduction is in full effect
I come with the mothership and some other shit
Yeah all the way live like a concert
The most respected brother, puttin in some work

Yeah if you got a crew you better tell em.
E kicks rhymes from the cerebellum. dont slip or you wont be around next
Well heres a little something that needs to be heard. - slick rick

Check the poetry in motion, from this bom bazi smokin
Bitch that get you open, its mess if you tangle with my tresses
Cause I posses gifts thats wickeder than hexas
That explode on the scene be all means, I be flushing mcs like queens
And none of yall can see me, got more boom bom than manzini
Your style is strickly primi, and I stomp with the big dogs
Off the wall with a crew that rough enough to rush limbaugh
We stay, strapped, part of packed pistol posse
I represent through mind soul and body
In any form Im doin work over beat breaks
Now even cheap skates is peepin my tape release date
Word born, Im comin in like a swarm
Then Im gone before you can ring the alarm


Keith murray:
A-yo catch this word bubonic plaque, in your head back chest arms and legs
When Im coming through grab your cranium for ultimatum
Punk I faze them subterranium, my subliminals mix with criminal chemicals
Got more milk than sylabals then alphabet cereal
Place your bet and your whole entourage will get wet
Thats a promise cause the squad dont make threats
Im a, graceful poet with some distic ballistics, above and beyond all that
Other bullshit
Linguistics will bless a anticeptive, nerve wreckin, conceptive or
Consistant contestant
My deviant delieverance be leavin mcs in the state of malmet depressive
(word up)
Damaging your medulla, cerebrum and cerebellum, you got a crew you better
Tell em

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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