
Songtext Tela Tela


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It's 2000 sir

The World Ain't Enuff

C-C Yeah

Right Here (Lock Down)

Take it back, Take it to the streets know what I'm saying

Understand Me

Tela! Who is the nigga in the beam with them thangs Tela

Who is the nigga that leans on your brains Tela

Who is the nigga with the quality ice Tela

Hollering out fuck the price Tela

Who is the nigga in the wide body frame Tela

Who is the nigga see reflections off the chain Tela

Who is the nigga that act bad with the laws

Keep a pistol in his draws and act bad with your broads Tela

Who is the nigga that'll never be broke Tela

Who is the nigga take sales like coke Tela

Who is the nigga that'll hide the dope

So real in the rims of a Seville and find the folks Tela

Who is the nigga that gets fast like cast Tela

Who is the nigga say splash on your bitch ass Tela

Who is the nigga that's doing his thing

Since 89' I been pinkied the ring know what I mean bling Tela


Ya'll Want Who Tela x8

Who is the nigga that rush the shows with dimes Tela

Who is the nigga that dust your nose like lines Tela

Who is the nigga ride the Jag with three pounds Tela

Put your ass where you can't be found Tela

Who is the nigga stay sprayed all day Tela

Who is the nigga say fuck platinum shades

Who is the nigga say put the ice in it

Let the lights hit it

And look nice in it Tela

Who is the nigga in the aqua-blue Gators Tela

Who is the nigga that will hop through the haters Tela

Who is the nigga that's defining thangs

For ballers to do from splitting capers to big stangs Tela

Who is the nigga say do true thangs Tela

Who shot a video at Blue Flames Tela

Who is the nigga that keeps it off the chain

And still let it rain Hold up pimpin man you know me Tela

Chorus x8

Who is the nigga see the sun in the south Tela

Who is the nigga hundred guns in the house Tela

Who is the nigga rock the tank with the mink Tela

And leave the bank with the got damn sink Tela

Who is the nigga that switch records labels Tela

Who is the nigga say fuck em' if they ain't able Tela

Who is the nigga that stay five deep

With top quality hoes that'll shoot up your Jeep Tela

Who is the nigga that holds his own like the ace Tela

Who on a song with Short and Face Tela

Who is the nigga keep the snow in lumps

I get stopped by the pos and say go with the pumps Tela

Who is the nigga to hot to swap it up Tela

I say fuck it buy shit and glock it up Tela

Who is the nigga that did Sho Nuff'

I got Pac posted up tellin em Tossing it Up

Chorus to Fade

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Tela is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Now or Never, Double Dose, The World Ain't Enuff, Piece Of Mind and Chopped up. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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