
Songtext Swing your own thing Epmd


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Swing your own thing

Word em up, check it out
Pmds in the house
Nine-four, you know the flavor..
Mmm, funk mode
Word em up

So whattup whattup? yeah its time to get down
You ready to chill, so turn up the sounds
Whether its in your walkman - or your stereo I hope you hear me though
Bobbin that head, jammin to the radio
Cause theyre playin your song
The weekends here, partys on - payday hey
Big up to the djs who spinnin the jams
Mix shows on friday - cold kickin
Its saturdays, its hip-hop
Brothers choppin on the one and two
Non-stop.. the violence, and gun shootin
Its time to unite; no time for losin
Or takin steps backwards - thats not the way
Leave the stress at the office, itll be there monday
But for now its your time
Time to regroup, get a piece of mind..
.. and disconnect from the madness, called time-out
Take it from the pmd on the rap route
The golden voice, word biz
Live and direct - oop, there it is, time to..

Swing your own thing (word em up)
Swing your own thing (word)
Swing your own thing
Swing your own thing

Well guess who? step aside, its the squad crew
Airtight, you know the evil that men do
Back for more.. in nine-four
Formats hardcore, steppin through like gigantor
Who is he? pmd
Set for funk mode, its time to par
Oh yeah back in there, throw your hands up in the air
Wave em side to side, like you just dont care
So fellas yell hoe, and ladies scream out
Dont dwell in the past, live for now
Back on the prowl, thick eyebrows, styles wild
Grab the head, and just..

Swing your own thing (word em up)
Swing your own thing (word)
Swing your own thing
Swing your own thing

So if youre feelin good - let me hear you say real good
Whether you washin your car, cruisin through the neighborhood
Or playin basketball - dunkin on brothers
Coolin witcha sis, respectin your mother
Thats the way it should be - family
Not mass hysteria, stress, or poverty
Four hundred years, we almost there
Just look at the tv, we everywhere
Sports lawyers doctors - music
Everyone has a brain - its time to use it
So grab that head - prepare for the future
Cause thats the only way out
Sway; gotta..

Swing your own thing (word up)
Swing your own thing
Swing your own thing
Swing your own thing

Swing your own thing..
Swing your own thing..
Swing your own thing..
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Swing your own thing..

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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