
Songtext Swing it over here Epmd


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Swing it over here

Kick it over here baby pop!

Chorus: murray, sermon, others

[km] swing it over here!
[all] yo swing it over here!
[km] swing it over here!
[all] cmon swing it over here!
[km] yall swing it over here!
[all] yo swing it over here!
[km] come swing it over here!
[red] yo, swing it over there!

Verse one: keith murray

My rap style is swift like boom bips
So come get a whip, and a bump, its rough
Crews couldnt hold it in handcuffs
The ordeal is that Im raw ill on the mic
Switchin my styles up like a transvestite (word)
I think of competition as ? ? and
Keith murray is the vocabulary champ
? come in against deep notable to breach lines?
Ill make you make the same mistake twice three or four times
And nobody got a style like this
You could say, I got my thinking cap on backwards
Ill demolish the retarded smartest rap artists
Regardless, tryin to scream the hardest
I fuck your head up like amphetamines with l.o.d.
Then bend you out of shape like a master yogi
I put my head through your chest, just to see
Whos next in line, just to get wrecked
I makes contact, bust the interlude
I take my skills to another level like qualudes
And you couldnt hear me out; cause the type of shit
I converse aboutll drag your brain in the slaughterhouse

Chorus: change to [all] throughout

Verse two: erick sermon

Cling cling, somebody tell me something
Why I got more props than don king without bouncing boxing rings?
*ding ding* I be the flyest guy you ever sawr on the microphone
Rip the shit to pieces, so leave me alone
Check me out, the way I freak the mode
The active half flippin shit so split fore I explode - boom!
So umm, pay attention, before I put you and your crew on suspension
For being closed minded to my invention
Yo, I rock on reel when I record oh my lord
The world full of jackers so I keep my shit stored
When I rock the microphone I rock it right
And keep it hardcore and more blacker than wesley snipes
To my crew theres no match
You want more funk then heres another batch, yo i

Chorus: [all] throughout

The redman thats what they call me --> epmds headbanger (repeat 3x)
[ed] oh no, here comes the funkadelic redman

Verse three: redman

Aoowwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness! could this be
The funk that I was stretching out my lungs
Funkadelic sums up *nasal inhale* I clear the mucus
Stick tissue up my nose to stop the snot from makin spots
To be or not I still give niggaz polka dots for plots
Now richard dawson had a survey sayin that I was awesome
Throw on your walkmans while I pour the funk sauce in your coffins
Wake up! while the blunts laced up just to pick the pace up
My styles freaky, nasty like ? seka? pussy papers
When I raped her, you dont know check the four-uno-uno you know
That funk mixture that gets your body, holy like scriptures
Now right about now Im settin off a bomb to blow the empire
To ashes -- cause my shits more raw than niggaz stashes
Massive funk, swingin bangin bent up while I fucked ya
Im rough enough ta, fuck up another white mans trucker
Redmans evil like the board of ouiji, niggaz could smoke
A whole pound of weed and couldnt see me off the tv!

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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