Jermaine Dupri

Songtext Supafly(feat. bilal) Jermaine Dupri


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Supafly(feat. bilal)

[Jermaine Dupri]
(uh uh uh)
Bounce (uh uh uh)
Bounce (uh uh)
Bounce (uh uh)
Ryde with me now
yeah (haha)
Supafly muthafucka
Yeah (uh uh)

[Jermaine Dupri]
You know how fly I always look
I keep banging and I keep them off the hook
You know about my peeps and all the lady's I be with
The Blue and Blue Mercedes with the rims and kit
You know about my house and carroners in the fridge
And the ATL shorty this how a nigga live
Besides Cheapy, they call me Mr. Long
You can catch me in the streets in a all pink suit
Leaning to the side, swinging my hair
Trunk full ants, ain't no room for a spair
I got them big beast pumping with the ace and bag
And the white shelltoes with them mean: they match
You know me before the CD: it ain't nothing but flossin'
If you allergic I suggest you turn this muthafucka off
'Cause i'm off the glissy, all i'm think about, talk about
Is Big Missy, new pissy, two damn tricky
I am

[Bilal] Call this pimping a game
If an old trick knows my name
[JD] Supafly
[Bilal] The Boss so cold
[JD] haha
I am
[Bilal] Call this pimping a game
If an old trick knows my name
[JD] Supafly muthafucka
[Bilal] The Boss so cold

[Jermaine Dupri]
Ho, So, glow
all that's rubbing on them 20's is the only way to roll
You know, about the G wag, how the pants at
How lady's all over the country want this nigga so bad
You know what I say be the truth not the agg
Stretch cream belly with the partner back
You know it's just me and my niggaz and some lady's getting full
Crunk as hell drinking Belvedere and Red Bull
You know about the bouncin' and the booty shaking collar
Poppin' money, making city that I come from
You know about the playing hating
baby, mama drama, 'cause uhh
Us players we all got some
And it's I supafly seven days a week
The one that everybody want to,
when they warm that heat
'Cause i'm off the glissy, all i'm think about, talk about
Is Big Missy, new pissy, two damn tricky
I am

[Bilal] Call this pimping a game
If an old trick knows my name
[JD] Supafly
[Bilal] The Boss so cold
[JD] haha
I am
[Bilal] Call this pimping a game
If an old trick knows my name
[JD] Supafly muthafucka
[Bilal] The Boss so cold

[Chorus with variations until fade]

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