Downtown Science

Songtext Summertime Downtown Science


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[ VERSE 1: Bosco Money ]
Summertime, summertime, mh-mh, summertime
Warm breeze, state of mind
Kinda peaceful, you can feel it in the air
The time of year when the Earth gets nearer to the sun
And the temperature rises
And people she'd their winter disguises
Girls in short shorts, dudes in bermudas
Shootin to the beach on Honda scooters
For some fun in the sun while the daylight last
Other people just layin out on the grass
Gettin Saint Tropez with the band that's ol
And the heat beatin down bakes the troubles away
It's like that, the warm weather is here
But summertime only come once a year
So I'ma make sure I got on the freshest gear
And sport the type of girlie make ya stop and stare
And sweat, cause that's the type to get
All you gotta do is play yourself correct
Throw on some shades, to get with the sport
To clock cuties all day and not get caught
Hop in a ride, drop the top
Let the system pump until the record stop
Kick back, relax, ease your mind
Savour every minute of the summertime

[ CHORUS: Lady Of Rage ]
Ooohh, I like summer
In the summertime
I wish it was summer
All the time

[ VERSE 2: Bosco Money ]
Summertime, 95 in the shade
Coolin with a icey cold glass of lemonade
Quenchin my thirst, got my shades on too and
As girls walk by, you know what I'm doin
Sneakin a peek on a freak on the sly tip
Hail a cab, take a trip to the beach
Soak in some rays
Break out the Pepsis, the Frito Lays
Set up my blanket with mellow drama
See the ultraviolet sun like microvave mama
I been dyin to meet, so I get to my feet
Step to her, get the digits, and my day is complete
Break down my set up, and head back home
Call the female on my cellular phone
Beat around the bush to keep it stimulatin
Don Juan love rap, and get to conversatin
Hot and heavy on the birds and the bees
Get her address, head like a breeze
Out the door, but I can't tell you no more
Cause I left the rest of the rhyme on her bedroom floor
Hop in a ride, drop the top
Let the system pump until the record stop
Kick back, relax, ease your mind
Savour every minute of the summertime


[ VERSE 3: Bosco Money ]
Summertime, lemon lime
Sun goin down, but night time's the right time
To flaunt the tan, the boutique ensemble
And indulge in a deluxe convo
Ice cream sundae with nuts and berries
Makin sure I don't get a drop on my sparies
Of course sportin shades, the frames is torters
Checkin out a cutie in some hyped up high-waters
Holes in the knees, hair blowin in the wind
Lookin so fly, it's a doggone sin
I smile, she smiles back, and I'm cool
I know her name, cause she went to my school
But I don't say it, just play it off and keep walkin
Sometimes eye contact is better than talkin
Or hawkin too hard like you just got back from the joint
Understand my point?
So I get to the record shop, steal an eye in
I'm in the neighborhood, and feel like buyin
Sometin new, like a compact disc
Especially if the music make me feel like this
Hop in a ride, drop the top
Let the system pump until the record stop
Kick back, relax, ease your mind
Savour every minute of the summertime


I like summertime
In the winter time
It's got to be summertime
In the spring time
It's got to be summertime
In the fall time
It's got to be summertime

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Downtown Science is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Downtown Science. Their most popular genres are Electronica, Alternative Rap, Hip-Hop and Trip-hop.

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