
Songtext Suave house Tela


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Suave house

f/ The Suave House Family

[Hook: NOLA]
Welcome to that Suave House
Came to turn the motherfuckin' lights out
Niggas gonna bring the ruckus, no doubt
Suave House bout to turn the lights out
I say welcome to that Suave House
Came to turn the motherfuckin' lights out
Niggas gonna bring the ruckus, no doubt
Suave House bout to turn the lights out

First of all before it starts
Suave thicker than the Million-Man March
Khakis starched as I flow through the cut like Noah's Ark
Who's that slippin' in the dark
It's the L-O-K-E-Y
A killer like Jack the Ripper but slicker than SupaFly
Bull's-eye, stay focused on my green like infrared beams
Livin' like kings, when Draper put the scientist on the team
Now it's in my blood stream
I'm Suave playa till the dusk
Construct some murder shit for all my niggas in the cut

It's O.C. the Sinister killin' ya
Here to administer, with from holy scripts
Releasin' explicit, miniature scriptures that lift ya mental
Get into a mind state, niggas fabricate
See can they duplicate the shit that we create
I orchestrate throughout the night and congregate with killers
Watchin' fake MC's evacuate the premises BLAH it's too late
Another murder, no post rate
Fuckin' with this Suave shit flies us around planet as the Earth rotates

No doubt, it's Suave House the residence
It's evident I represent my click till I'm deceased like dead presidents
My regiment is full of soldiers swoopin' like vultures
They should've told ya, Loc gon' put it down like he's supposed to

You niggas peep the game, ain't shit changed
Except you small change and you hydroplane
And Suave House niggas we made like stains, on yo bitch's brain
I coochie for playas with loochie from verbal slang

I'm breakin' niggas like speed limits
So hit it before you kick it, think twice if you lick it
Even you don't wanna risk it
If it's dry, twist it, flick it, make me sick with it
Don't forget your pieces in it, now watch me spit it
Up and down ya spleen hittin' every nerve like nicotine
I'm about that cream nigga, save ya dreams and make me scream
Madam don't give a fuck about nothin' or nobody, not shit
So come equipped, you fuckin' sick
You cannot get with this, even at the club spot
When orderin' me a drink make sure it's nitro-glycerin on rocks
You know that street traffic be drastic
That's why I'm not havin' it
Exposin' all you fakers to my Suave click, aww shit
I'm the first, second, third, fourth, fifth evil bitch
With the clip that'll strip you from ya hips
Leavin' punk niggas with a knuckle print
So checkin' chins in the 9-6, this shit is a sinch


I crucify clicks like a cult, dialect is difficult
The result, mental lock like a dead-bolt
On ya cranium, I'm stainin' em' like paintballs
Ain't y'all tired of bein' shot, don't cha' shirt need a wash
Watch yourself cause Thorough be on the hunt
Plus him hungry and he know exactly what he want
Pronunciate the poetry that they wouldn't say
And represent the sound that they wouldn't play
Do away with paper weights with my paper mate
Immobilize your vibe and paralyze ya rhyme rate
Take ya conscience and shake it like a nation
Now ya dumb founded tryin' to find my location
It's still Suave House and I'm the first tenant
Be attentive when I send it or you might not get it
Limit three and a half mics cause the Source is bias
But yet still three and a half mill will buy us


Like babies killed in the boat
And this rap fashion shit is blown
Way outta proportion, Mrs. Incline
Versace, Armani best wines are fine
Materialistic shit we decline
Cause rappers are gettin' weerier
All I'm hearin' is the clothing of material
We ain't carin' what cha' wearin'
Gangsta niggas live the area
Fill the tech, shall we lecture upon this record
I keep the Suave House record on ya dresser
Supposedly, NOLA come one mo' again, cause unknowingly
You done fucked up my trees
Like vegetarians eatin' pork and wine
Bags under mine, receivin' dicks from behind
Bottom line, it's gettin' serrious and furious
I'm on my period, attitude is rudeness, this the mood bitch
It's that Suave click


Now who's the motherfucker ready to rap and bust a cap
The haters want my snap to watch these hoes shit collapse
A nigga that get in my way get his ass kicked and attacked
It's like the loops of the water,Suave started perhaps
Bloody maps, citizen traps, seekin' dress ya can't find
Puttin' ya bitch in a box who brought you seven different signs
I'm decomposin' those that's opposin' my rhymes
I'm leavin' ya ass frozen BING by the corners and lines
You actin' bad, motherfucker is you mad
Yo nigga's crew is bad, Tony Draper's runnin' that
I bring the fuckin' shit that a bitch can't touch
I'm leavin' ya ass in the gas and blowin' ya fuckin' shit up
Bust, the gravel travels like a travel
It ain't reliable, fuck the motherfuckin' outcome
That nigga Tela be kind of like raw
Cause I done seen what I saw and now i'm breakin' the law


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Tela is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Now or Never, Double Dose, The World Ain't Enuff, Piece Of Mind and Chopped up. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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