Stereo Mc'S

Songtext Step it up Stereo Mc'S


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Step it up

To the left to the right
Step it up, step it up its alright
To the left and to the right
Check the new ride out its alright
Silence aint in season
Cos there aint no good in grief
Cant stop my mouth form breathin
Or seein what I see
Curves with destinations
Poetic symmetry
Ya cause an inflammation
In my anatomy dont you see
Yeah yeah yeah you cant send a forget-me-not
Yeah yeah yeah but Ill still reach up to the top
Yeah yeah yeah until the last day that I drop
Yeah yeah yeah this is something you cant stop
From infancy I grown
The message that Im givin
You dont have to be alone - no you dont
Cos days may come and go - come and go
Youll see no sight or sound
But when your mind is willing
Youll find that Ill be around
Hear me sayin, hear me sayin
Yeah yeah yeah you cant send a forget-me-not
Yeah yeah yeah but Ill still reach up to the top
Yeah yeah yeah until the last day that I drop
Yeah yeah yeah
To the left to the right
Keep it goin keep it goin its alright
To the left to the right
Step it up, step it up its alright
We want flesh
We want flesh
We want flesh
Ah ah ah
All you gotta do is bounce it
To see just what goes where
There aint no way around it
So I have come well prepared
Dont you know
Im in you form the outset
Hip to hip and dome to dome
We reach the outer limits
Bring the boogie boogie home
Back home
Yeah yeah yeah you cant send a forget-me-not
Yeah yeah yeah but Ill still reach out to the top
Yeah yeah yeah were goin right around the clock
Yeah yeah yeah
To the left to the right
Step it up, step it up its alright
To the left to the right
Check the new ride out its alright
See how we are livin (x8)
Youll hear me sayin
Yeah yeah yeah you cant send a forget-me-not
Yeah yeah yeah but Ill still reach up to the top
Yeah yeah yeah until the last day that I drop
Yeah yeah yeah this is something you cant stop
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
To the left to the right
Keep it goin keep it goin its alright
To the left to the right
Step it up, step it up its alright
It's alright (x5)

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Stereo MCs are an English alternative hip-hop/acid jazz group which formed in 1985. They are best known worldwide for their 1992 single "Connected".

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