Manfred Mann'S Earth Band

Songtext Spirits in the night Manfred Mann'S Earth Band


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Spirits in the night

Crazy Janey and her mission man
Were back in the alley Trading hands
Along came Wild Billy with his friend Gee Man
All duded up for Saturday night
Billy slammed on his coaster brakes, said
Anybody wanna go to Greasy Lake
It's a mile down the dark side of Route 88
I got a bottle of rosé let's try it.

We'll pick up Hazy Davey and Killer Joe and
I'll take you all out where the gypsy angels go
They're built like light and they dance like
Spirits in the Night
In the Night, all Night
Oh you don't know what they can do to you
Spirits in the Night
In the Night, all Night
Stand right up and let then shoot through you.

Wild Billy was a crazy cat
He skook some dust out of his coon skin cap
He said try some more of this it'll show you
Where you're at
Or at least it will help you to feel it
By the time we made it up to Greasy Lake
My head was out the window, Janey's fingers
Were in the cake
I think I really dug her, I was too loose to fake
I said him hurt she said Honey let's heal it
And we danced all night to a soul fairy band
And she kissed me just right
Like only a lonely angel can
She felt so nice just as soft as a
Spirits in the Night
In the Night, all Night
Janey don't know what she do to you
Spirits in the Night
In the Night, all Night
Stand right up and let her shoot through me

How the night was bright and the stars threw light
On Billy and Davey dancing int the Moonlight
Down near the water in a stoned mud fight killer Joe
Passed out on tue lawn
Hazy Davey got really hurt
He ran into the lake in just
His socks and a shirt
Me and Crazy Janey making love int the dirt
Singing our birthday songs
Janey said it was time to go, so we closed our eyes
And said goodbye to Gypsy Angel Row
Felt so right together we moved like
Spirits in the Night
In the Night, all Night

Written by Bruce Springteen

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Manfred Mann's Earth Band grew from the remains of Mann's earlier self-named band, but it was stylistically different, shifting from pop to a jazzy, prog-rock sound. Although they had been releasing albums since their eponymous 1972 debut, they did not have their first hit until 1977's "Blinded by the Light", a cover of a Bruce Springsteen track from 1973. Covers of other artists' songs were a feature of the band's output and even appeared in their seminal 70s albums, Nightingales and Bombers, The Roaring Silence and Watch.

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