
Songtext Spectral wars Maxim


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Spectral wars

Micro invisible, small and non-visual
Gaslight the chemical, combust original
Physical geometry, oracle rhyme mineral
Emphasis the snatom, soul crack the atom
Internal affecter, 85 detector
My optic analyse ghetto, supreme spectrum
Glass profile the style, bling reflect
Triple decks and levels, the tri-tech projection
I'm listening a diamond in the rough of my rhyme
Shoot a beam for the need of a dig in the times
Rhyme system OS,99 sublime
Hieroglyphs, science of death, MC design
Let it be the main line in a text from vein to mind
Let the chromosomes attack, simulate your fate
Ship-shape in the matrix, rewind the date

I am the vector inspector mechanism
2000 reflect your spectral years are written
Walk, do not defect or betray your schism
I'll force you down, inject the compact revision
Scan the drive until your terror byte based and spliced
You're flat-line, let your mind and head space
On line for micron downloads and modes
Suppose your parallel shall eclipse, explode

I want 3000 and 1 of those killer clones
For exercise assault and time ports and worm holes, the do
For jewel of mankind unscrolled
Was delivered in the liver of a humanoid mole
Who broke wild from the memories of organic thoughts of the past
That clashed with the matters of facts
From the death star chip in his eye had a glitch
He had a flashback, a banging, rap sheets and track
With a gift, the swift, the flux flex perplexed, the code X crossed react
Over the grid of the ship and bus bray X ray and bounce with the blue print
Into the moon link orbit of Triton he wrote digital images
Barrier being the carrier of the code X jewels
The son of Synthetica moves stealth
Stylo the Stellar Killer Beon
The innocents that help hard shell 9000 parallel hell

I am the vector inspector mechanism
2000 reflect your spectral years are written
Walk, do not defect or betray your schism
I'll force you down, inject the compact revision
Scan the drive until your terror byte based and spliced
You're flat-line, let your mind and head space
On line for micron downloads and modes
Suppose your parallel shall eclipse, explode

Hey yo, I intel state of the art body part
Humanoid Lo Jack mainframe and diehard
2130 getting dirty on digital
Lancing the place and setting dynasty killer taste
I am the Tron's own schism with the schematic frame and form
Rhyme tectonic plate, encased the drones with a roll
And bring back the scroll and solar protocol
And tack vector humanoid and clone
Connect the deck, yo protect the neck
From the inject directrix medium simplex
Never go deep on the trail of a skin job
Uploads the G-force stun, rhyme, cruciform
Ice came for Lucifer, I'm ready to roll
I got my team patrol with a synthetic glow
My second orbit of Triton, now the atmosphere approacher
I am the vector inspector of all scrolls

I am the vector inspector mechanism
2000 reflect your spectral years are written
Walk, do not defect or betray your schism
I'll force you down, inject the compact revision
Scan the drive until your terror byte based and spliced
You're flat-line, let your mind and head space
On line for micron downloads and modes
Suppose your parallel shall eclipse, explode

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Keith Andrew Palmer (born 21 March 1967, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England) known by his stage name Maxim, is an English singer-songwriter and MC, famous for his work with electronica band The Prodigy.

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