Ill Bill

Songtext Soldiers of fortune Ill Bill


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Soldiers of fortune

[Verse 1: Ill Bill] Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo
I see past everyone else, my name is Billy Idol and my influence is heavily felt
Do it myself, my DNA inflict your slaughter like Tony ? talks shit to his daughter
As I approach the hour of reprisal
In a black truck, black moon, black guns, black metal, black sun
Two minutes until midnight, we amped up
Holmie, stand up, leave the competition blammed up
Walk quietly and carry a humongous biscuitI'm that guy that smacked your moms and fucked your sister
I care less whether you love Buddha or JesusNot even Mohammed could stop these bullets from freezin'Your blood ice cold in your arms and legs
Lie in a lifeless pose plus you're missing part of your head
I often thought if I could travel through time, what I would do
Often I drift between breaths of ganja fumes
Seeing mayhem unfold in the yards of schools
Seeing Satan on the chrome screaming God's a fool
Peep the angel of death creepin' on you dudesYou're confusin my customers, man, you're not the truth [Verse 2: Slaine] We walk close to the edge and we don't care what the limit is
This is business, we the new Cohens and SimmonsesThe bad seed you catch growin your images
You don't know any lyricists, you only know what a gimmick is
I know about parents' dreams, I know where ? is
I know about guns, drugs, I know the whole city, kid
I know what an idiot is, where he lives with his bitch and his kid
For the bitch that he did
I know about hate, I know there's no love
I know about the stress from an AIDS test, I fuck with no glove
Tattoos from a dirty needle, spelling my alias
Ask about me in the bing and they'll tell you how real he is [Verse 3: Big Left] I'm the monsoon goon, pistol packing with coke
Packaging ropes, bringing razors to the back of your throat
Every record that I made is like a package of dope
So take a sniff of fury, holmie, take a whack of the hope [Verse 4: Everlast] Call me Mr. White, call me Whitey FurrahPlay me out, call me Devil and I'll send you to GodYou pretend to be hard, yo I bring the JihadI make war on the man who makes war on the D ?On the Rahkman, Capo regime, captain of the team
I know I'm uncivilzed, I know I'm unclean
I know I get high, I know I'm sick, I'm obscene
Subliminal ?, original sinning,
Purple drinks swimming, chasing young loose womenThere's flames for the coward, praise for the martyrI'm older, I'm wiser, I'm James fucking CarterIn the meanwhile you're going out like ReaganIf your girl goes wild, sarcrifice that pagan 'Cause it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka, it's going down
Do you want it by the key, do you want it by the pound?
Yo it's Coka

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