
Songtext So lost / no promises Nocap


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So lost / no promises

Don't put your trust in them niggas, gotta watch your partners
Yeah (Yeah)
Momma said "Watch the way you move, you gotta think smarter"
(Oh, oh, oh)
I tell her "I'm a street nigga," she said "You a artist"
I try to run away from pain, I just can't afford it

All them damn memories, still haunt me
I work too hard but I still see my dreams crumblin'
Will God forgive me if I take one with me when they come for me
This ain't the life that we wanted
That's just what they give
You always smile when it's stormin'
Hate it when it's clear
You be lookin' the mirror, you see nothin'
You so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost

Sometimes I just wanna get away, it gets stressful
They got all my birds in a cage, they got [?]
Hurt control a nigga, he so street
Pour my heart every time, I can't miss
Why the fuck ain't tell me money came with this?
Put my name in the front, I know it's [?]
I throw the clip and I refuse to let them rappers kill me
Do no call my phone, you gon' get the dial tone
You around because I'm one
And leave me when it's all gone
I sat in the jail so long
I sat in a cell alone, oh I, I, I
Oh don't, don't lose it
I know you've been through it
My life is a movie, call the devil recruitin'
Welcome to my life, my life, my life, my life
Welcome to my life, my life, my life, my life

Don't put your trust in them niggas, gotta watch your partners
Yeah (Yeah)
Momma said "Watch the way you move, you gotta think smarter"
(Oh, oh, oh)
I tell her "I'm a street nigga," she said "You a artist"
I try to run away from pain, I just can't afford it

All them damn memories, still haunt me
I work too hard but I still see my dreams crumblin'
Will God forgive me if I take one with me when they come for me
This ain't the life that we wanted
That's just what they give
You always smile when it's stormin'
Hate it when it's clear
You be lookin' the mirror, you see nothin'
You so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost, so lost

Hold on, don't lose it
My life is a movie
My life is a movie, call the devil recruitin'
You always smile when it's stormin'
Hate it when it's clear

God I know I'm livin' wrong, I'm gon' get right with You
But I can't make no promises
But in the meantime please, take care of a lil' nigga
They on me, watch over me

My niggas still ridin' for me
They tell me "Keep shinin' and shit"
My niggas still slide for me
I pray that we get out this shit
Whatever you put, the same thing, you get out of this shit
The judge say I promote violence, I gave the streets knowledge and shit
I gotta keep my head up, can't be starin' at these shoe strings
I show the world a different, got everything I used to dream
I just made the bird call 'em, eagles comin' get y'all
I'm still mad 'bout all them times, I let them niggas get off
I'm just hopin' God protect me
Don't let my fans pull up too reckless
The way I'm livin', I might wet 'em
I committed sins, I live with [?], Hell no, I don't regret 'em
I'm cappin', I'm ballin', I miss my nigga Mega
Thinking 'bout my future, got love for Casino, that's my nigga
CeeLo died, that shit made me hit my knees a lil' quicker
You don't need your heart to live, nigga
You just need your pistol
Want you to stay, yeah, yeah
Want you to stay, yeah, yeah

God I know I'm livin' wrong, I'm gon' get right with You
But I can't make no promises
But in the meantime please, take care of a lil' nigga
They on me, watch over me

My niggas still ridin' for me
They tell me "Keep shinin' and shit"
My niggas still slide for me
I pray that we get out this shit
I just made the bird call 'em, eagles comin' get y'all
I'm still mad 'bout all them times, I let them niggas get off
Ooh, ooh, ooh

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