
Songtext Sittin' up in my room (doug rasheed remix) Brandy


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Sittin' up in my room (doug rasheed remix)

featuring LL Cool J

[LL Cool J]
Brandy got to make it hot
LL Cool J got to make it hot
Uh, Brandy got to make it hot
LL Cool J got to make it hot
Uh real love is hard to maintain
Drama people try to make it reign
Word to Marduke boo there
Ain't no substitute naw
The brothers wanna buy your lovin' with loot
I represent something ginuwine
Scoop you up in my arms in the nick of time
Willy style keep my love flowing like tha Nile
This here's real major exhale then tap me on my pager

Seems like ever since
The first day we met
There is no one else
I think of more than you
Can't seem to forget
Can't get you out of my head
Guess the verdict's in
I'm crazy over you
How can one be down
Tell me where to start
Cause everytime you smile I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you
Til my day comes here's what I'm gonna do(Check it)

Sittin' up in my room
Back here thinkin' about you
I must confess I'm a mess for you
Sittin' up in my room
Back here thinkin' about you
I'm just a mess with a thing for you

[LL Cool J]
Peace uhh You know what I mean
Yeah yeah got to blaze the joint baby
It's tha butters uhh it's all sugary
The flava don't cease when I'm in tha cut boo
I pull tha silk out tha crease
ohhh ten fingers swingin' the tension get released
Tell you girlfriends chill I ain't no dog on a leash
Roof I keep it true so who gonna get who
Sprung cause Waiting to Exhale collapses lungs
I make it hard for your ex to feel tha full effects
I treat my honey good and that's what he don't expect
Who's next not me I'm dedicated
I never send my girl outside frustrated
That's tha truth beavers can't break down the code
I wrote my own book I call it Waiting to Explode

Sittin' up in my room
Back here thinkin' about you
I must confess I'm a mess for you
Sittin' up in my room
Back here thinkin' about you
I'm just a mess with a thing for you

[LL Cool J]
Brandy got to make it hot
LL Cool J got to make it hot
Uh Brandy got to make it hot
LL Cool J got to make it hot
Uh word is bond my man Doug Rasheed
Yeah Brandy indeed
Mr.Smith got the leg uh

How can one be down
Tell me where to start
Cause everytime you smile I feel tremors in my heart
I have but one concern
How can I get with you
Til my day comes here's what I'm gonna do

(repeat chorus 'til end)

(Second time Brandy sings):
You know I pray that you'll invest in my happiness
Turn my heart around am I making ground
Tell me what is up I say I need to know tell me

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