Company Flow

Songtext Simple Company Flow


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I'm wild with a dosage
Character closely cut from a fabric that's ferocious
With a misanthropes motive and a quote that drips from a slit throat
Livid and sickly corroded, fuck it I'm precocious
First fraud to get soaked equals the joke that stands closest
Tear the thugs up with clubs before the toast leaves their holsters
Purvey the unconveyed for the age of the no hopers
And never shut the fuck up till we have a sense of closure
Dissonant key, shines blind while I'm landing
Well I've lost friends to death and simple misunderstandings
Every breath is a zone, isolated and accident prone, christ...
Maybe I'm designed to live alone
'99 will be remembered as the time that shit cluttered my dome
So in 2000 when you talk to me (blah blah blah)
Just watch your fucking tone
Some people think they know me 'cause they play me in their home
And lose perspective on the rules of engagement
Get smacked to the pavement
If the tune bruise hard, that's my whole job fufillment
So before your suck box squawks that smart thought...try to kill
Or space ghost might spit on you, we're tight like that...teammates
Been through too much shit to turn away now, no debate

I'm wild with a dosage, maybe something similar
To the substances that threw some of my best friends out of focus
Who holds the vein contains poppy juice, notice the same strains
That take away our pain might croak us
88, eighth grade, weighs in with a grin
Smoking bones in tompkins park where all the crack heads lived
It was me and my friend jon and a bag without skins
So we emptied out a cigarette and stuffed that shit in
Way before The paincave made itself known, that's what we did
Like running around downtown brooklyn getting chased by the big kids
Now as a man I don't run much, still have the same click
That very few people I meet in this world can measure up with
Simple words can do work versus complexidus bids
Plus a rhyme style without emotion isn't telling me shit
This portion of the broadcast is adjourned with a dark tint
Now I've got razor blades in my throat and I don't mind it one bit
From the women I've loved down to the clubs that I've ripped
I dedicate my strange ways from in this maze that I sit

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, can you escape from...drum roll please....

The paincave
The paincave
The paincave
The paincave
The paincave
The paincave
The paincave
The paincave

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Company Flow was an American underground hip hop group from Brooklyn, New York City at one time associated with the independent record label Rawkus Records. Rapper/producer El-P and DJ/producer Mr. Len founded the group in 1992 in Queens, New York and rapper/producer Bigg Jus later joined.

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