Stiff Little Fingers

Songtext Silver lining Stiff Little Fingers


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Silver lining

They tell you not to worry
They say they're terribly sorry
But that's the way it has to be
For the likes of me
Just be good and know your station
Always look on the bright side
Keep your faith and keep your patience
Your reward is after you've died

So don't be told
Don't be consoled
Things are so bad
You can never make do
And there's always someone better off than you

They tell you that's your future
It's all down to human nature
Simply settle for what you got
That's destiny and that's your lot
All of us cannot come first
Yes, what you have is second-best
But it might be a good deal worse
Third world peasants get even less

So don't be told
Don't be consoled
Things are so bad
You can never make do
And there's always someone better off than you

Do you care that it's not fair?
Is this the way we have to live?
I know I care
And I want an equal share
Even if it means I have to give

The people who are on top
Say that you should keep your chin up
And they are keen to show you
The unhappy ones below you
But I want no more of that stuff
That's looking at it upside down
And the world has got money enough
For us to make it go around

Don't be told
Don't be consoled
Don't be ruled
Don't be fooled
Because things are so bad you can never make do
And there's always someone better off than you

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Stiff Little Fingers are a Northern Irish punk rock band from Belfast, formed in 1977. They started out as a schoolboy band called Highway Star (named after the Deep Purple song) doing rock covers, until they discovered punk. They split up after six years and four albums, although they reformed five years later, in 1987. Despite major personnel changes, they are still touring and recording as of 2010. Jake Burns, their lead singer, is the only member to have been with the band during all its incarnations, although in March 2006, original bass guitarist Ali McMordie rejoined them following the departure of The Jam bass player Bruce Foxton after fifteen years.

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