
Songtext Shiekh talk Tyga


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Shiekh talk

That's Sheikh talk
Sheikh talk

Uh, left Dubai on a high note
Spent a million on myself, bitch, I'm ghost
Nigga try to slide on me but I never froze
In the club 'til it close?like?Diplo
Outside?and I'm post?like Phil [?]
Big?rings like a nigga won the SuperBowl
Vegas two-story suites, I'm at the top floor
I'm in town for one night, let's link, ho
[?] (Yeah, let's link, ho)
Hot nigga, she gon' blow me like Niso
Twenty thousand ones, left it at the Rhino ([?])
But she like lino
Hoes still ain't loyal but what do I know?
Hey, I can count the money with my eyes closed
Crypto millions, sittin' on a i
Phon? ([?])

Yeah, whole team, that's your loss (Loss, [?])
Sh? left you for a baller, that's your fault (Your fault)
Move bitch, let the money walk (Walk)
You wanna be a boss but you all talk (All talk)
Three girlfriends and they all hot (Hot)
Like a Flintstones, still make the bed rock (Bed rock)
Move bitch, let the money walk (Walk)
Bitch, I'm a boss, that's Sheikh talk ([?])

She left you for a baller, that's your fault (Your fault)
Don't need complex, it's the simple things
I been cookin' twelve years, still sizzling
I ain't tryna gang-gang, twins whistling
I can hear snake niggas still hissening
In the Maybach, yeah, I'm back, mama
Papi in his bag, and it's all Prada ([?])
Lotta Dre beats, but she on a pill ([?])
She gon' leave the UK, summer in the Hills
I might fuck on a fan, I'm comin' on the grill
A bitch don't drive me, don't even touch the wheel
I'm in the F4, Ferrari for real
And my new girl kinda like a big deal
Give me head for my headache, Advil
And she say she never do it but I know she will

Yeah, whole team, that's your loss (Loss, [?])
She left you for a baller, that's your fault (Your fault)
Move bitch, let the money walk (Walk)
You wanna be a boss but you all talk (All talk)
Three girlfriends and they all hot (Hot)
Like a Flintstones, still make the bed rock (Bed rock)
Move bitch, let the money walk (Walk)
Bitch, I'm a boss, that's Sheikh talk ([?])

She left you for a baller, that's your fault (Your fault)
Three girlfriends and they all hot ([?])
Like a Flintstones, still make the bed rock (Bed rock)
That's Sheikh talk

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