
Songtext She don't play Ddg


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She don't play

She don't really care what niggas say
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah
(Beezo need cash only, you dig?)
(OG Parker)
Baby, tell me what's the move (move)
Got a Louis bag, but I can tell it ain't from dude (dude)
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah
Gucci on her boots (yeah)
Landed in Miami, I just seen her in a coupe
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)
She the definition of a bad bitch (bad)
Hair done, nails done with the lashes
Every nigga in the club wanna smash it
Last nigga she let hit barely lasted, okay
She don't need a fuckin' bae, independent, she can pay
She got niggas in Atlanta, in Miami, in L.A
She got rappers, she got ball players all up in her face
If you fuck up one time with her, you can get replaced (yeah)
What you know 'bout her? What you, what you know 'bout her? (What you know?)
Birkin bag her purse, Birkin, Birkin bag her purse (yeah)
If you want her, you better spend some cash on her (yeah)
What you know 'bout her? What you, what you know 'bout her?
Baby, tell me what's the move (move)
Got a Louis bag, but I can tell it ain't from dude (dude)
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah
Gucci on her boots (yeah)
Landed in Miami, I just seen her in a coupe (coupe)
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play (don't play)
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)
You can't tell her nothin', she got it
Louis on her luggage, she bought it
Diamonds on her neck and she flawless (damn)
Only give one chance so be cautious
She got the right to be conceited
I like the way she beat her face, she got on Maybeline (okay)
She switch it up with Fenty Beauty, she don't even need it (ooh)
Her ex be blowin' up her phone, he should've never cheated
Tell that nigga he can beat it (yeah)
Independent bad bitch and she whip a Benz (beamer)
You can catch her in the club with her pretty friends
She a motherfuckin' dub, nigga, fuck a ten
You don't even need to hit her phone if you ain't tryna spin
Baby, tell me what's the move (move)
Got a Louis bag, but I can tell it ain't from dude (dude)
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play (don't play)
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)
Gucci on her boots (yeah)
Landed in Miami, I just seen her in a coupe (coupe)
Chasin' dollar signs and you can tell that she don't play (don't play)
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)
Uh, oh, yeah
Uh, oh, yeah, yeah
She don't really care what niggas say, yeah, yeah

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