
Songtext Set it off Epmd


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Set it off

This goes out to my peoples in queens. representing, brooklyn, uptown.
Yeah, yeah boogie down bronx, staten island, all the way to new jersy. tri
State area. long island

Verse 1:
Ha ha, welcome radio land and others, my underground brothers is mad deep
Like gutters
I bring it no matter what the situation, underwater, through fire
Across barded wire, what? Im quick to change faces without r. kelly
When you step on me you best be ready. I heats it up like house kitchen
When Im bitchin with this redition, chill or you might catch an ass
Theres something wrong ha, I cant go on, and commence
Tear the frame out an mcs ass with the quickness, no forgiveness
This is the way e does buisness, one touch and Ill weaken the average came
To be rap star
By far by far, my entourage is sugar hill like wesly snipes
Def squad is the main attraction for yall everynight

I came through the door - rakim
And I set it off (x4)

Verse 2:
Dun da da, the e double brings it full steam
Eyes are green, yeah, taken sucker niggas for they cream
I rock the mic, alright, with intentions to please and decapitate all
Gimmick mcs
Yeah, I come action packed like a flick, and dismantle those duck mcs that
Cant handle
My sound goes through my musical speakers, beeotch, and flash a symbol like
The grym reaper
To signify, gamma ray I display on wax is ridiculous, way out likt the crew
On star trek
Yeah, I keep my style black like panthers, with women more fat than
Damn, this dont make no f in sense, for me to be on top bigger than
A star ghost super nova turns into a black hole
That got put into your soul

Hook (x4)

Verse 3:
For those that envy me and say I aint about nothing and everthing you see
My names on something
Flawless, outlandish, unique complete, off the wall technique I develop
Without speech (woah)
On bended knee I could damage an mc, thourgholy
Yeah, yeah take him for his currency, remarkable, the black superman in the
Flying through the air with green eyes

Hook (x4)

Keith murray talking outro:
Yeah, yeah yeah, watch your back black. dont even step up, word is born.
L.o.d. is in here too you know what Im sayin? def squad for life, ppp
Taking it everywhere, midwest, mideast, southwest, southwest, north, south,
East, west, northwest, northwest, south, north, south, everywhere I sets it
Off. you know what Im saying? paintin the boards, rippin the mic, rippin
Niggas anything you like word up set it of e d. keith murray in this piece.

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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