
Songtext Senile Tyga


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High in the video, fuck with me, hella raw
Raw got illiterate a riddle, twerk for a star
Started from the, like Christina got a million
Man I'm a good guy, turned to a villain
Bully in the pack turned to a rat
Pussy on my jack, I hit a bitch with a car bomb
Bombs in LA, bombs in the Bay
Nigga you ain't safe, I run with niggas like O-Dog
All we do is ball, all we do is ball, now I'm passed out
Lean in the drop, ice in the watch
Nigga that's Ben & Jerry dollars, watch a nigga make a stack house
Gingerbread man, run while you can
All you niggas lame, tooly on me, got killers on speed dial
Infrared blam, if a nigga shout
Don't get packed out, prolly hear the paparazzi when I backed out

Can you see now? Are you senile?
Can you see now? Senile
Can you see now? Can you see now?
Can you see now? When you see a nigga don't be actin' senile

Sky dweller check, helicopter pad
Dropping off a body bag
Money talk, guess I got the gift of gab
Don't interject, don't intercept
You ain't on a jet, you ain't meet a bitch with this kinda money yet
Yeah I got an Audemar, I ain't set the time once
And I know they say they shine, I ain't seen ?em shine once
All these rappers is my sons, and I'm always nine months
Man if this was baseball, I ain't let ?em slide once
Do you see now? You playin' D now?
Oh you wanna beat me? How?
Oh you the number one draft in the league now?
Ride down ya block, doors twelve o'clock
Lambo the drop, bike niggas ain't stoppin' for a cop
I got this shit locked tighter than a bear hug
When them bitches rap niggas need an ear plug

Can you see now? Are you senile?
Can you see now? Senile
Can you see now? Can you see now?
Can you see now? When you see a nigga don't be actin' senile

Ride with the heat, trunk full of beat
Bomb like the Middle East, I got killers in the street
Ride with the heat, trunk full of beat
Bomb like the Middle East, I got killers in the street
Ride with the heat, trunk full of beat
Bomb like the Middle East, I got killers in the street
Ride with the heat, trunk full of beat
Bomb like the Middle East, I got killers in the street

Nigga got a problem? See about it
Knock the nigga off, beat the body
I'm just makin' all these deposits
Neighborhood nice and quiet, thought I saw Mr. Rogers nigga
I could sell salt and equalizer
Wait, I said I could sell salt and equalize it
Boy I got every award but a Heisman
Do a drive by on you niggas, make a u-turn for survivors
Take a newborn from his momma, stick a shoe horn in vaginas
Got the coupe on Yokohamas, got the super-soaker chopper, uh
We'll kidnap the Kingpin, like who is your supplier?
Nigga better know the fire, nigga better know somebody
I know niggas that'll kill ya for a little notoriety
I can make a lion say ?meow?
I'm in this motherfucker gettin' money till I'm senile

Can you see now? Are you senile?
Can you see now? Senile
Can you see now? Can you see now?
Can you see now? When you see a nigga don't be actin' senile
Can you see now? Are you senile?
Can you see now? Senile
Can you see now? Can you see now?
Can you see now? When you see a nigga don't be actin' senile

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