Brother Ali

Songtext Self taught Brother Ali


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Self taught

I'm home

Uh, yeah
They always ask me, ' Ali, what you so angry for man? Why you always so upset? '
I tell 'em ' Shit, there's a thin line between anger and hunger my man
And I ride a unicycle down the middle, you might catch me touchin feet down on both sides '

Ever since day number one, it's just me and where I'm coming from
Rites of Passage and Shadows on the Sun
My people, I stand before you, As a man with more true shit
Than what he knows to do with
I give it all to you, long as you can promise me this
When it's time, you will ball up a fist (Like this)
Me and Anthony, we fill all the gaps
And are proud of what we make, regardless what happens
Fuck rappin, I sing off key
One thing you should never do is dis Ali
Cause, motherfucker, there aint nothin rougher
Then tryin to climb from the rug you'll get swept under
I can run through every one of your blunders
Mistake number one is that your crew don't love ya
Ill take a bullet for the Core or the Sayers
When me and my dogs out tourin the nation
I spit with an intensity you have to witness
Look close, my blood on the back of the tickets
Its that religious, it's what I teach my son
How to read the Qur'an and how a party is won

We like ' Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We *carve* life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing '
Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We *carve* life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing'

When line meets mine, we bend ya girls spine
Figure-eight status, she got back for days
The same old magic will not crack the maze
The lights changed since we anted up, pot has been raised
And Im fucking with the hand I was delt
Life twenty-five years to experience what Lazurus felt
If you drop three crumbs, I'll eat one
Feed one to the family, rest I get invested in my freedom
I battle through *a part in this shit*
With a wrist, full of broken tooth picks, *tryin to carve out a niche*
You can either choose the heart or the fist, but you will connect with me
If your path ever intersect with me
The fire in the eye could never be held back, (its the same)
Pressure that made the liberty bell crack, (its the same)
Pressure that made my brother E sell crack, (in the name)
Qu'ran, holy, Rest in Peace
My back is bein watched by, the only one on high
We stride in the party, hoods up, crossed eyes
Broke as what, but don't give a fuck
Cause I feel I got the world by the nuts, Uhh!

Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We call life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing
Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We call life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing'

Homeboy understand, I aint mad at you
There's just very few things in life I know how to do
And this is one of them right here

And whatever comes up comes out
We don't put our hands on ourmouths, I stand for what I'm about
Unknown but I'm still a soldier
Can't let em go home till I win 'em over
My youth was training, it's very clear
Every year, new city, new rules to play with (true shit)
New kid in school, didn't rule nothing
To this day I rap like Im trying to prove something
Little bit aggressive, when I spit a sentence
Till you get the message
You couldn't pay me to quit professin'
Rock sixty-one sold out shows, came home, and caught a bus to the
Shirt sweated full of work ethic
Been in love with the shit since I first met it
Rhymesayers is the first to come, last to leave
Ain't no tricks up our sleeve, this is what we believe

We like ' Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We call life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing '
Doctor, don't get it mistaken
We call life out when we sit in the basement
We Self Taught, it's as real as you make it
Anyway you look at it this shit is amazing'

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Would you please submit your corrections to me? Thank You.

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