
Songtext Say my name Hozier


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Say my name

Any other day, I would call, you would say
"Baby, how's your day?"
But today, it ain't the same
Every other word is "uh-huh". “yeah ok"
Could it be that you are at the crib with another lady?
If you took it there, first of all, let me say
That I am not the one to sit around, and be played
So prove yourself to me, I'm the girl that you claim
Why don't you say the things that you said to me yesterday?

And I know you say that I am assuming things
(Something's going down that's the way it seems)
Shouldn't be the reason that you're acting strange
(Nobody's holding you back from me)
I know how you usually do
(Saying everything to me times two)
Why don't you just tell the truth?
(Somebody's there then tell me who)

Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change?
Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
Ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change?

What is up with this?
Tell the truth, who you with?
How would you like it if I came over with my clique?
Don't try to change it now, saying you gotta bounce
When two seconds ago, you said you just got in the house

And I know you say that I am assuming things
(Something's going down that's the way it seems)
Shouldn't be the reason that you're acting strange
(Nobody's holding you back from me)
I know how you usually do
(Saying everything to me times two)
Why don't you just tell the truth?
(Somebody's there then tell me who)

Say my name, say my name
When no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change?
Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
Ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change?

Say my name
Say my name
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Say my name
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Say my name
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
When no one is around you
Say baby I love you
(Say my name)
Say my name, say my name
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
(Say my name)
Why the sudden change?

Say my name, say my name
No one is around you
Say baby I love you
(Say my name)
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
(Say my name)
Why the sudden change?
No one is around you
Say baby I love you
(Say my name)
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
(Say my name)
Why the sudden change?
Say my name, say my name
No one is around you
Say baby I love you
(Say my name)
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
You ain't callin' me baby
(Say my name)
Why the sudden change?

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Nato a Bray, nella contea di Wicklow, figlio di un musicista, ha frequentato la St. Gerards School, diplomandosi nel 2009. Inizia a studiare musica al Trinity College di Dublino, che ha abbandonato a metà il suo primo anno al fine di registrare demo per la Universal Music[1]. Durante il Trinity College ha frequentato la Trinity Orchestra. Dal 2008 al 2012 è stato membro degli Anúna, e ha partecipato come solista al loro album del 2012 Illumination, cantando La Chanson de Mardi Gras.[2] Con il gruppo ha intrapreso un tour a livello internazionale esibendosi in Norvegia e nei Paesi Bassi.

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