
Songtext Saturday people Prozzak


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Saturday people

Hey ravers, did you know that I was once where you are now
Flashback to subway ride
A midnight escape to the underground
Calling all sweet dreamers of the world
No matter what they take from you
Your dreams are just a Saturday away

Saturday people
Waiting around their whole lives for the weekend to come
Saturday people
Sitting in portable classrooms a-twirling their thumbs
Maybe you've seen them
Heads hanging low on their desks stumble in on a Monday
Can hardly believe them
Sunglasses, ecstasy, vodka and tonic recovery
But hang on
Pretty soon it'll be Friday afternoon

We're all running for cover from a world going nowhere
On a Saturday night
With no reason to be just to be somebody somewhere
On a Saturday night
Girls and boys
Make some noise
Girls and boys
Pretty soon it'll be Monday morning

In my opinion
There's too many lives being wasted on missing the fun
Didn't or did ya
Ambition eventually leads to executive breakdown
Rave party sequel
Hop on a bus magic trip to industrial building
So hang on
It's been a long ride but you know we'll be there soon

We're all running for cover from a world going nowhere
On a Saturday night
With no reason to be just to be somebody somewhere
On a Saturday night
Girls and boys
Make some noise
Girls and boys
Pretty soon it'll be Monday morning

Have you seen Nelly Indigo
We were supposed to meet three hours ago I know
Oh no
Was she caught up in the corporate undertow
Was she too tired to get up and go
Guess sooner or later everybody gives in
So sad when life takes your best Saturday friend away
And life took you away
(Girls and boys
Make some noise)

We'll be running for cover from a world going nowhere
On a Saturday night
With no reason to be just to be somebody somewhere
On a Saturday night
(Girls and boys)
We'll be running for cover from a world going nowhere
On a Saturday night
(Make some noise)
With no reason to be just to be somebody somewhere
On a Saturday night
Girls and boys
On a Saturday night
Make some noise
On a Saturday night

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Prozzak is a Canadian pop music group that consists of Jay Levine (Simon) and James Bryan McCollum (Milo). The name Prozzak was inspired by the drug Prozac. In an interview with the New York Times, Milo (James) mentions that their music makes people feel good and happy which is an effect of the drug Prozac. Their music tells a tale of two friends who are in search of their true love. Their music video features full animation of the two characters Simon and Milo.

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