
Songtext Rider Tela


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Any motherfucker talking bout thangs

This is Suave House, shit's gonna change

Any motherfucker talking bout thangs

This is Suave House, shit's gonna change

Any motherfucker talking bout thangs

This is Suave House, shit's gonna change

Any motherfucker talking bout thangs

This is Suave House, shit's gonna change


I grab the chrome from the shelf

Cause it ain't nothing like left

Your last step or should I say your last breath

G is past death

Do us part when you fucking with that Suave - House

Here, click whenever you on that corner

Bitches born from the south, tremendous doubt

But I ain't tripping, how I'm living

I get to dipping

From 96' to 2000 back to the thresh holds of Olympus

No limits, heaven forgive us, we was born solely sinners

Continuous, extraneous with this, cold as quitters

Oldest niggas, still they be like acting like such

So I ain't giving a fuck, with chances to clear the shit up

For what, I seek steel, I get stuck

I play jacks on the year like Bill Rodell, get hit by a truck

Bent the fuck back, despite the worst day handle my shit

Son be scared to make that cheese, see I ain't afraid, I ain't like that

So hit code red, that's what I said, straight ahead

Let's get it on, break some bread, toast some wine oh yeah


Rider, I just want to ride

Pass me a lighter, pass it to me, won't you pass it to me

Rider, I just want, I just want to ride

Pass me a lighter, pass it to me


Let's party like for the soldier in the paint

Who's down to pimp a bitch whatever it be to make your bank

Shirt is off shorty, let's drank, crank, get crunk

Ain't no tanks in my trunk with some pumps

Just some chrome and such

And you can break the seal

On top of the wood on the bottom, that's the one's that are real

I can feel attention

It's all around me when I'm flipping at home in Memphis

Mentality, doberman pinscher

Not to mention that my ride stays out of state

And that my mind state is out of state

So they try to hypocrate

Setting voodoo, like in the movies

Giving me hell, call me Denzel

Chasing pipe bombs through A-T-L

But I prevail, cause I'm the best one, unconditional

With a high tech vest, maintain these little unknown body bags

Blast through sheet metal, and disappear

Come back, as a street weapon wearing some Suave gear, niggas unprepared



I sets it off, in the center of the spot

It's getting hot, even in the winter I make it thicker than sheet rock

The plot I'm plotting, has got you open, hoping, scoping

That you can keep up with the flow that is spoken

No choking, I'm soaking, like collard greens, it seem

All this game of, where I came from, done seen many things

Bring killer niggas around me, shotguns in the county

Bounty hunters with runners, 5-0 bet em' they can't find me

Wanna blind me and my diesels, with my peoples behind me

Grind and grit to the bone, I'm stacking paper till I'm gone

Phone, house I'm getting, while I'm on the pot shitting

Trying to figure out a way to get better on Thanksgiving

Plymouth and powder rocks get dropped

So it don't take but a second for me to fuck your whole block

Stop, but I can't see I'ma ride till I die

Nigga S-U-A-V-E tatooed down my spine

[Hook, repeated to fade]

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Tela is a bit of a mystery to us. Their discography includes Now or Never, Double Dose, The World Ain't Enuff, Piece Of Mind and Chopped up. Their most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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