Brian Vander Ark

Songtext Resurrection Brian Vander Ark


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Rise, my love,
Be the one that you are.
Surprise, my love,
I love everything that you are.

You are the lows,
You are the highs,
You're the fears and the pain,
And rest assured we will survive another year.

What's it going to take to redirect us, to reconnect us, resurrect us, yeah.
What's it going to take to perfect us, to reconnect us, resurrect us, yeah.

Rise above
When I am what I am.
Surprise, my love,
You love everything that I am

I am the lows,
I am the highs,
I'm the fears and the pain.
And rest assured we will survive another year.
What's it going to take to redirect us, to reconnect us, resurrect us, yeah.
What's it going to take to perfect us, to reconnect us, resurrect us, yeah.
If we're a problem then we will correct us, reconnect us, resurrect us, yeah.

We are the lows,
We are the highs,
We're the fears and the pain.
We're not some temporary haven in a fierce hurricane.
Bring on the wind, bring on the rain, the thunder, lightning, it's insane.
Bring on the sun, bring on the breeze.

Yeah, we've made it now we're redirected, reconnected, resurrected, yeah.
Every little thing has been perfected, redirected, resurrected, yeah .
Every little problem was corrected, and redirected.
We're resurrected, yeah.
We're taking on the world and unaffected, we're redirected, resurrected, yeah.

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Brian Vander Ark is an American Singer-songwriter best known as lead singer for the band The Verve Pipe. Born in Holland, Michigan, Vander Ark began playing guitar at age 8. At age 18, he was married to then girlfriend Michelle and had a son named Joshua Vander Ark. Soon after he joined the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany. After release from the army, he and Michelle divorced and he joined the band His Boy Elroy as a guitarist. He eventually quit and started the band Johnny With an Eye. In 1992, he disbanded Johnny With an Eye to form The Verve Pipe with drummer Donny Brown and his brother, bassist Brad Vander Ark. The Verve Pipe's major label debut, Villains, featured the Vander Ark-penned single "The Freshmen", one of the most successful multi-format tracks of 1997. "Never Let You Down," the lead single from the band's 2001 album, Underneath, was one of the Top 50 Most Played songs for Adult Top 40 and Modern A/C radio in 2001.

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