
Songtext Rap is outta control Epmd


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Rap is outta control

Tom j is in the house (repeat 2x)
Rap is outta control (repeat 6x)

Verse one: erick sermon

G, man, do I have the power like he-man
To crack a wack mcs head, open like a pea can
Damn, my name should become sam
But I prefer, a grand royal for the jam
Im putting heads out, the guns I use to pump lead out
Hey son, I suggest that you head out
I total, cremate, strikin mic flakes
I wont break, I make more nerds than a earthquake
Strong, got more strength than king kong
Im worldwide, Im interviewed like kaity chung
Im on now, live at 12, its so dope
All the way to 4 oclock, there no soaps
Im able to rock the mic nice and stable
Its a chance that you might see me on cable
Vision, showtime or hbo with the flow
Getting more play than rambo
Aiyyo, whatta you know, party people, rap is outta control
Rap is outta control, its definitely, fuckin outta control
Rap is outta control, rap is definitely is outta control
Its outta control, rap is outta control

Verse two: pmd

Straight from the underground, where universal beatdown is a mush
Yo, I stuck crab mc, e (too late, he got crushed)
Was he a pop rap singer, r&b swinger
Faggot who jumped the gate and now you get the finger
In other words, its absurd to try to get wit
The brother from brentwood, long island, nicknamed swift lip
Im too smooth and yes, I groove to the slam track
Wit a becks in my right hand, left hand on bozack
I moved on ya posse, first reaction was oh shit
Lets do that brother, hell no (why) hes too quick
So dial 1-900-55-eat-shit
I pack a twelve shot nine mil and yes I still kick
(what) ass like a jock (height) 63 and stocky
(rap name) not balboa, so motherfuck rocky
Im the mainstream supreme, slamming like aikeem
The dream, and yes sometimes it may seem that

Rap is outta control (repeat 2x)
Sure dude, rap-rap-rap-rap-rap, for sure dude
Rap is outta control, yes, yes yall, yes yall
Yes yall, yes yall, kick it e

Verse three: erick sermon, pmd

I stand tall, I wont fall, I recall
Ha ha, your rhymes stall
When I bust caps, until they kryptonite caps
I reign of steel, I swap bullets like that
Im like, superman, fly high up in the sky
And if you try to shoot me down, clown, I wont die
I cremate

I hate, lets exterminate
Wait for a second, e, time to debate
As I take my fisherman hat off, theres no hat
For an mc on a trail of a mad comeback

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"Erick and Parrish Making Dollars" is what EPMD stands for. The New York hip-hop duo, active since the mid-80s, were known as one of the most important acts in East Coast hip-hop. Their 1988 debut album, Strictly Business, is seen as a classic debut, and is known for the title track which sampled Eric Clapton's "I Shot The Sheriff". In 1989 their follow-up Unfinished Business was also greeted with rave reviews. Both their first two albums sold over half-a-million copies each.

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