
Songtext Rammstein - dalai lama (english) Rammstein


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Rammstein - dalai lama (english)

An airplane is in the evening wind on board lies also a man with child you sit certainly sit warmly and go are
Is so the sleep into the yarn in three hours it there to the Wiegenfeste the mama the visibility good the sky

Further, further into the ruining we must live die until we the person belongs not into the air so the
Gentleman in the sky calls it's sons on the wind bring me this person child

The child still has the time lost jumps there an echo to ears a grudge dull drives the night and the clouds
Driver laughs shakes awake the person freight

Further, further into the ruining we must live die until we and speaks hear is wants me the child to the
Father you then the thunder not that the king of all winds he to it's child

End the clouds tropft a choir creeps come are come are itself into the little ear here, shelter here we well
To you here, shelter here we brothers you

The storm embraced the flight machine the pressure a steam grudge fells drives screams quickly in the cabin
The night in panic the Menschefracht

Further, further into the ruining we must live die implores bring us until we and to the gentleman God the
Child sky himm back the wind intact to earths

End the clouds tropft a choir creeps come are come are itself into the little ear here, shelter here we well
To you here, shelter here we brothers you

The father does not comply pressed knows presses sets the child now firmly it very with itself noted its
Breath need yet the anxiety no pity so the father with the arms the soul out of the child this on the wind and

Come, shelter here we are come are well to you here, shelter here we brothers you

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German industrial metallers Rammstein first came to limited public attention in 1995 when the band released their first album Herzeleid (“Heartache”). But it was their next album, 1997’s Sehnsucht (“Longing”) which brought the almost exclusively German-singing band to the English-speaking record buying public, achieving platinum sales in the US. They continued their success with a string of well received albums and their songs have been covered by others including Apocalytica, with whom they have toured. They have, themselves, famously covered Kraftwerk’s “Das Modell” ("The Model").

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