The Waterboys

Songtext Rags (second amendment) The Waterboys


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Rags (second amendment)

Everything is rags and there's nobody to blame but me
And it would be so easy if there was noone to hurt but me
But now everything that I do coming out of me
will just tear through you
In and out of you
up and down your life like a curse
(So that when the sun bursts,
When the rain falls, when the wind blows,
I rip through your heart. On a horse called Nightmare,
bucking and spitting, I ride to your house
In the home of Bluebeard, blood flows as red as any flag
Death cries Victory is mine!
Laughter echoes,
and Death just claps his hands
And then time stands still, castles fall,
lightning strikes the tower, announcing Chaos
Sunday's Child scales the walls
of a paradise then dives into darkness.
A fool playing god
with one foot in Eden, one foot in Hell
And blindness in his brain
and fever in his eyes
Lies on his tongue
still saying This is just a dream

Cast by the only son of rags
who would wrap you up in all the finest tatters
But he wanted nothing more, my loved one,
than to wrap you up in JOY
But it never be with me -- you and I are like TWO WORLDS
not meant to collide
Death to each other
in the unravelling of time
So how do you... how do you like it?
what kind of dream would you call it -
to have one foot in Eden,
one foot in Hell
To be always numb,
plagued by demons
Summoned by angels at the same time,
But I will burn me
right out of this place.
I will lay you down to sleep
so when you wake
I'll be gone
and you
will remember
will remember...

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The Waterboys were formed in 1983 by Scottish multi-instrumentalist Mike Scott as a vehicle for his songwriting and vocals. Scott is the only permanent member and although there have been more than 30 players there have been a few important and prominent additions such as Anthony Thistlethwaite (multiple instruments notably saxophone and mandolin) Karl Wallinger (Keyboards) and Steve Wickham (Fiddle). The Waterboys have released more than ten albums but their most well known album is undoubtedly Fisherman's Blues (1988) which saw its title track reach the top ten. However it is their earlier album This Is the Sea (1985) that produced their two biggest hit singles "The Whole of the Moon". The Waterboys have been noted as an influence by many musicians most notably Grant Nicholas (Feeder) The Edge and Bono (U2) and Colin Meloy (The Decemberists). Most recently The Waterboys released a new album Book of Lightning (2007) which as so far produced one single, "Everybody Takes A Tumble" and they are currently playing limited dates in the US and Canada.

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