Culture Shock

Songtext Punks on postcards Culture Shock


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Punks on postcards

And they put punks on postcards
Sell them to the tourists
Oh don't they love the English
So eccentric!

Any they put cops on duty
Smiling for the cameras
They're wearing funny hats ha
Oh it's so terrific

They put the queen on stamps
And tv every Christmas
Look at all the waving flags
Oh it's so historic!

Mother's on the phone
Says she's coming home
Someone threw a stone through a Cadillac window
Mother's on the phone
Says she's coming home
Someone threw a stone through a Cadillac window
Mother's on the phone
Says she's coming home
Cos someone threw a stone through a Cadillac window

They put punks in jail and cops on overtime
Keeping the dirt right under the carpet
Trying to draw that we're all eccentric

There's tourists in the sun and money in the pockets
Painting ???
The Union Jacks moves it's so Patriotic! ha

They'll put your name on file
Taps on your telephone
Your picture on a postcard
If you really think that's fab
They'll make you the epitome of what the tourists love to see
Buckets of conformity, ha nothing more than trash!

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Culture Shock was an anarcho-punk / ska punk band formed in Warminster, Wiltshire, England, in 1986 by Dick Lucas, previously of the Subhumans. Over their four year history the band played hundreds of gigs, including frequent appearances at free festivals, and released three studio albums on the Bluurg record label. Lucas’ lyrics were mostly concerned with social and political issues, from cruelty to animals, Northern Ireland, war, and social alienation, but were far from angry rants, often finding a positive and empowering perspective. Culture Shock split at the end of 1989, as Bill and Nige both had young families to support. Dick went on to form Citizen Fish with Jasper, the bassist on Culture Shock’s final album, and two other former members of the Subhumans.

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